Chapter 11

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"I hope you can fathom that this wasn't my intended course of action. My objective was to advocate for our people and to reunite with North and Josh. All I yearn for is their safe return. If they're not coming back to us, then I've decided to seek them out myself. Please don't misconstrue my intentions, and, above all, refrain from pursuing me. I promise I'll return. I'm sorry. Signed by Simon." Markus's hands trembled as he concluded reading the note, a piece of written turmoil that resonated with an emotional depth. I could sense the gravity of his internal struggle as he angrily slammed the note onto his office desk.

"We must go after him," Markus declared with a resolute determination that echoed in the room. A disapproving shake of my head was my silent response, but unexpectedly, Kara stepped forward, aligning with my sentiment.

"Markus, he explicitly stated that no one should follow him. If that's his wish, we must respect it," Kara reasoned, her voice a calm and steady anchor amidst the turmoil. Markus bit his lip, his gaze dropping in reluctant defeat. In that moment, I realized I was still a deviant, and the conflicting emotions of regret and guilt began to gnaw at me.

The weight of unspoken feelings lingered in the room, a delicate balance between the desire to act and the necessity of respecting Simon's wishes.

Markus released a heavy sigh, surrendering to the weight of defeat as he collapsed onto his office chair. In the awkward silence that followed, Kara's presence seemed to fill the room with a hesitant unease. She delicately cleared her throat, glancing around as if searching for words within the confines of the space.

"If it isn't too much trouble, Markus, Alice, Luther, and I need to catch the next bus back to the station. It's the final one for today, so we'll be departing," she admitted with a mix of apprehension and sincerity. Markus, meeting her gaze, reflected a somber glint in his eyes, prompting me to bite my lip and divert my gaze to my lap.

"Alright. It's been wonderful having you back, Kara. Need any help cleaning out your room?" Markus inquired, a tinge of melancholy coloring his words. Kara reciprocated with a grateful smile, gracefully declining assistance. "It's okay, Luther's got it. Thank you for having us, Markus. The stay was... perfect." Her bright smile, a beacon of warmth that always illuminated the room, met Markus's gaze. He mirrored the sentiment, bidding them farewell.

As Kara turned to me, I responded with a firm nod, my gaze intentionally avoiding hers. A fleeting disappointment crossed her face, but she gracefully exited the office, leaving behind a sense of departure that lingered in the air.

"Connor, don't you find it peculiar?" Markus's voice shattered the silence, prompting me to instinctively lift my gaze to meet his. His expression remained an enigmatic canvas, devoid of discernible emotions. "How he simply vanished, just like that," Markus mumbled, the latter part of his sentence trailing off into a contemplative murmur. My brows furrowed as I considered his words. "I do find it odd as well, Markus. But what exactly are you getting at?"

A palpable quiet settled over us, stretching into an uneasy silence that thickened the air. The suspense hung heavy, and the tension seemed to wrap around us like an unspoken truth. Subtly, I rubbed my palms against my thighs beneath the table, attempting to dispel the suffocating awkwardness that clung to me like a shadow. It was as if the weight of the unspoken hung in the air, and I couldn't escape the sensation.

"There's a reason, a purpose that we may not comprehend fully," Markus quoted, his choice of words sending a subtle ripple through the atmosphere. Was he, in a way, using my own convictions against me? Despite the urge to break the silence, I held my words, assuming that whatever Markus had to say carried more weight.

"I'm starting to believe that," he finally admitted, his gaze fixed on some distant point. The rhythmic tap of his fingers against the oak table transformed into a serene melody, a counterpoint to the quiet around us. I tilted my head, a silent invitation for him to elaborate.

"Is there something on your mind, Markus? If you wish to share, now is the opportune moment," I gently prompted, creating a space for the unspoken to find its voice.

"A connection, I believe," Markus hummed, his gaze returning to meet mine with a newfound determination, fueled by the weight of unresolved mysteries. The room seemed charged with the energy of unanswered questions, and Markus's resolve to unravel them was palpable.

"First North, then Josh, and now... Simon," he continued, the sequence of names hanging heavily in the air. His certainty cut through the uncertainty, and the intensity in his eyes suggested a fire fueled by more than just speculation. "Simon wouldn't just vanish like that. I know him, inside out. What we had was special, and he wouldn't recklessly jeopardize it by leaving," Markus declared, rising from his seat halfway through his impassioned rant. His voice gained a fervent edge, a reflection of the frustration and intensity that had simmered beneath the surface. Entranced, I did nothing but absorb the torrent of emotions, savoring the unleashed rage that had long been contained.

"I... I love him, Connor, and I want to believe it's reciprocated. But it seems he's chasing after others now, and courage doesn't suit Simon," Markus confessed, his vulnerability laid bare. A complex mix of emotions simmered beneath his words, reflecting the turmoil within. "Yet, a part of me can't shake the feeling that this isn't just an accident. There's a link between North, Josh, and Simon, but they didn't willingly vanish. Somebody else might have orchestrated this."

Well, shit.

I rolled my tongue against the inside of my cheek, feigning nonchalance as I leaned forward. "I suppose that story doesn't sound too bad after all," I remarked with a shrug, striking a delicate balance between feigned indifference and guarded curiosity. "No, Connor, it's not just a story. It's a theor-"

"No," I interrupted bluntly, cutting off any further discussion. The air hung heavy with unsaid words, the weight of the unspoken drawing a line in the sand.

Markus contorted his expression, whether a mix of confusion or anger, I remained indifferent. "I have no other way to put it nicely, but you're traumatized, Markus. You're holding onto every idea in your head for comfort. Maybe you're right, but there's also a possibility of you being wrong. We have no idea what's happened to them," I explained, subtly weaving my words to manipulate him into a more grounded perspective.

Markus appeared to ponder my words, slowly settling back into the chair opposite me. The once determined gleam in his eyes gave way to defeat, and a palpable sense of loss seemed to overshadow him. "This isn't the first time I've felt... fail. Hell, it isn't the first time I've been lost. Heading into battle with everything but knowing what to do," Markus admitted, a sad, breathy chuckle escaping his lips. His voice carried the weight of experience, quiet and airy.

"But I went into battle with those people, Connor. I can't just leave this behind and let their name slowly die out. There's still time to investigate," Markus insisted, a misplaced sense of determination resonating in his words. My frustration simmered beneath the surface, resisting the urge to challenge him directly.

"You know what? That doesn't sound too bad at all. I'm glad you're here to lead us, Markus," I offered a fake smile, my words skillfully crafted to mollify his persistent pursuit of answers. Rising from my seat, I approached the door, suppressing the urge to slam it behind me as I exited.

"I'll be in my room if you need me," I stated, the lingering tension hanging in the air, temporarily subdued but far from resolved.

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