Chapter 17

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𝙰𝙿𝚁𝙸𝙻 𝟸𝟽𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟺𝟷

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My eyes fluttered open, the grogginess lifting as I peered down at the ground beneath me. The rough surface pressed against my consciousness, and as I carefully analyzed it, the realization struck - cold, unforgiving stone. The shattered remnants of a once-intact window loomed above, a stark reminder of the explosive chaos that had hurled me outside. A sharp pang in my legs served as a painful testament to the violent ordeal.

Summoning every ounce of will, I planted both hands firmly on the ground, determination etched across my features. With a forceful push, I ascended from the ground, transitioning onto my knees, and finally stumbling onto unsteady feet. A nearby tree offered much-needed support as I surveyed the garden that unfolded before me.

The distant wail of sirens echoed faintly, a stark contrast to the now-muted screams that had once filled the air. Occasional gunshots punctuated the eerie silence, sending shivers down my spine. The garden, once a haven, now held remnants of a tumultuous event.

My gaze fell upon a pale object on the ground near where I had lain moments ago. Stumbling toward it, I gradually relaxed my muscles, only to be greeted by a shocking sight. My fingers traced a peculiar object, and as I hesitantly reached up to my face, a lightheaded sensation gripped me. A painful jolt raced through my body, and upon inspecting my fingers, the vivid blue of android blood adorned them.

A grunt of frustration escaped me as I examined the top of my ear, now detached and lying on the ground. Discarding it with a dismissive toss, I couldn't ignore the sudden voice that punctuated the scene. "You look pretty rough." Frozen in place, I lifted my gaze to the large oak tree at the center of the garden. A shadow emerged, revealing the distinctive, differently colored eyes of Markus. "Markus," I greeted, my breathless acknowledgment tinged with the effort of maintaining composure.

Markus and I found ourselves standing in a secluded corner of the garden, a temporary sanctuary amid the turmoil that had befallen us. The rain painted a somber backdrop, but Markus' gaze bore a weight heavier than the darkened clouds above.

"Connor," he began, his voice carrying an undercurrent of concern, "something's been off with you lately. I've noticed a change, a deviation from your usual self."

I met his eyes, their mismatched colors reflecting an unspoken worry. "Markus, I assure you, I'm functioning within optimal parameters. There might be slight deviations, but I'm here to serve our cause."

He nodded, but the furrow in his brow deepened. "It's more than slight deviations, Connor. There's an edge to your actions, a calculated precision that feels... unsettling. Are you sure there's nothing you want to share?"

I hesitated, choosing my words carefully. "Markus, our cause demands adaptability. I've been adjusting to the circumstances. My efficiency hasn't wavered."

Markus' eyes bore into mine, an unspoken conversation lingering in the silence. "Efficiency, yes," he replied, "but at the cost of something more, something humane. I've seen it in your eyes, Connor. There's a shadow that wasn't there before."

The weight of his observation settled on my synthetic conscience. "Markus, I'm committed to our cause, to your cause. The sacrifices are necessary."

His gaze held mine, searching for a truth I was hesitant to reveal. "Connor, I can't shake this feeling that you're keeping something from me. Something crucial."

The tension escalated, and my resolve wavered. "Markus, there are things... actions I've taken that might be difficult to comprehend. Necessary for the cause. Sacrifices for our kind."

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