Chapter 11: Edward Helps Out

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Hilda was still in her room. She was crying because she was bored. She didn't even know what to do.

Hilda: (Crying Voice) "I guess I'll walk it off."

Hilda then left the house to go on a walk. She still felt very sad. She soon came to a railyard. Edward the Blue Engine was there. He could see his friend was sad.

Edward: "Is something wrong, Hilda? You can tell me."

Hilda: (Sad Voice) "It's just that I've been trying to visit my friends, but mum kept asking me to do stuff all week, and now I'm not in the mood to see them anymore."

Edward: "I see. Well Hilda, why don't I take you to see Thomas?"

Hilda: (Sad Voice) "Okay, Edward."

Edward took Hilda to Tidmouth Sheds. The other engines had worried looks on their faces.

Edward: "What's wrong, guys?"

Percy: "Thomas has been in his shed all morning."

James: "We don't even know why."

Henry: "Can you help him, Edward?"

Edward: "I'll see what I can do."

Edward went into Thomas' shed. He could see that Thomas was crying, and he felt very sad.

Edward: "Hello, Thomas."

Thomas: (Sad Voice) "Hi, Edward. Hello, Hilda."

Edward: "Now Thomas, what's bothering you?"

Thomas: (Sad Voice) "It's just that I've been trying to work on my branch line, but Sir Topham Hatt has been asking me to do stuff all week. And Now I'm not in the mood to go on my branch line anymore."

Edward could see that his two friends were upset.

Edward: "I'll go have a word with Johanna, and sir Topham Hatt. You guys stay right here. I'll be right back."

Edward went to find Johanna, and Sir Topham Hatt. He found the two talking with each other.

Edward: "Um. Sir? Johanna?"

Johanna: "Oh. Hello, Edward."

Sir Topham Hatt: "Can we help you?"

Edward: "Hilda, and Thomas have been trying to do something they like all week, but you kept asking them to do stuff. Now they're not in the mood to do the things they like anymore. They feel sad, and moody."

Johanna, and Sir Topham Hatt thought about what they did. They knew they caused Hilda, and Thomas to get sad.. They felt really bad for what they did.

Sir Topham Hatt: "Oh, dear."

Johanna: "I guess we've been unfair to them."

Edward: "Now I think you should go, and apologize to them." 

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