Chapter 7

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Héctor's POV

"So what are we gonna watch?", asks Áron.

"Let's put on the game", says Joāo.

"Real Madrid vs Atlético Madrid?", asks Áron.

"Yeah", says Joāo.

"Hey guys, is everyone okay with us putting on the game?", asks Áron.

"Sure why not", says Gavi.


"Oh yeah, I don't mind".

"Great", says Joāo.

"Héctor, you've been awfully quiet, penny for your thoughts?" says Frenkie.

"What are you talking about?", I ask.

"You seem down", he says.

"I'm fine" I snap back.

"Goddamnit, what's taking them so long?" I whine, to no one in particular.

"Maybe they got lost", says Áron.

"Well how hard can it be to pick up some pizzas?" I retorted.

"Why are you so on edge?", asks Joāo.

"I'm not, I'm just hungry," I bite back.

"We all are but you don't see us bitching about it," he says.

"Is it about Y/N and Marc?", asks Frenkie.

"No, why would you think that?" I scoff.

"Because you've been looking sour ever since the two of them left the house".

"If Marc wants to accompany Y/N to go and get some stupid pizzas, who am I to stand in their way?"

I was lying through my teeth and I knew it. Ever since I'd heard that Gavi would be throwing a pool party (and that Y/N would be there too), it'd been the only thing on my mind.

This was my chance to make a move on Y/N, to finally get closer to her, but my hopes were shattered when I saw that Marc and Y/N had been getting closer and closer.

What had happened between the two of them? What did she see in him? Why him? I didn't like it one bit, she belonged with me. Seeing them together felt wrong.

"We're never letting these two pick up our food again", "I said".

"Agreed" said the other guys in unison.

Just when I'd uttered the words, the door opened.

"Oh my god, what took you guys so long?" exclaimed Joāo.

"Everyone's starving," added Frenkie.

"Sorry" said Y/N.

"So what were you guys up to, something must've happened since it took you guys so long", I said.

"It started raining," said Marc.

"So?" I pressed.

"Otherwise you would've had soggy pizzas".

"The rain shower didn't last that long" I bit back.

"The line was long".

"Oh, I'm sure it was", I roll my eyes.

"Leave it Héctor" said Áron.

"They probably just wanted some alone time", said Frenkie.

"Is that so?" I ask Marc.

"Well no one was volunteering to pick up the food and I simply stepped up", he said.

"And I'm sure that you would have volunteered as well if Frenkie or anyone else had been the one to accompany you?"


"You don't sound very convincing".

"Let it go".

"Fine" I snapped.

My hunger had faded, ever since I saw Marc and Y/N walking in together.

Even now, the two were stealing glances at each other.

I growled, I could feel Y/N slowly starting to slip away, I couldn't let that happen.

Outside the rain was still pouring down.

"Let's watch a movie, since the weather isn't gonna clear up any time soon" said Y/N.

"Don't you guys like swimming in the rain?" asked Marc.

"No" said Y/N.

"Well I do" said Frenkie.

"Me too" said Gavi.

And so we split into two groups, Gavi, Frenkie and Marc went to swim in the rain, while me, Y/N, Áron and Joāo stayed behind to watch a movie.

We'd decided on "Fast & Furious", everyone was already sitting down when Y/N came back with a bowl of popcorn.

Her eyes scanned the couch carefully, before walking towards me with determined strides.

My heart started beating a little faster, was she?

And then she sat next to me, I stopped breathing, surely, this couldn't be happening.

I didn't dare to look at her, sitting frozen on the couch.

After what seemed ages, she put her head on my shoulder.

I was confused, but didn't push her away.

Apparently Y/N couldn't care less about the movie, because a while later her body had slumped against mine, she'd fallen asleep while resting on me.

I brushed the hairs out of her face and took care to keep my movements to a minimum, careful not to wake her up.

When the movie was over Y/N drowsily opened her eyes and looked at me, winking.

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