1. Like in a Dream

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Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers

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Enjoy lovelies!


I'm walking through the woods when I get to a clearing. The grass scrapes beneath my bare feet and sends delightful chills up my spine. I pause and close my eyes, taking a deep breath in, I smell the fresh trees. I hear the crickets and owls, among other night creatures as I walk through the dark. It feels so real, I can't believe it's only a dream, and that I'll wake up in the morning to a different life. The only thing that lets me know this isn't actually happening is how when I try to remember my real life, it gets distorted and feels like an old memory

And, more obviously, how the bruises from last night's beating are gone, along with the white scars on my arms and legs that are replaced with a white dress falling softly to my knees with delicate straps. It's a beautiful dress that would look great on anyone who was skinny, but it just makes me feel more chubby than I already am.
The definition of a greek freaking god that stands in front of me. He's too beautiful to be real. But he smiles his mega-watt smile at me and my legs go weak. He's too beautiful to look at a girl like me, let alone talk to me. He walks up to me and we both sit down, cross-legged, across from each other like we've done for the past few weeks that he's been in my dreams. Neither of us break the silence, just staring at each other. I know I've seen him before in my dreams, but every time we meet it feels like I'm meeting him for the first time.
My breath catches in my throat as my eyes scan his beautiful body. His dark brown hair is swoon-worthy and a very cliche, but still amazing, defined jaw. He's much taller than my small 5' 3", at least 6' 2" and definatley muscular, but not too muscular. The most perfect person I've ever laid eyes on, but over all that beauty, it was his eyes that captured me. They were a bright grey, a color I thought didn't even exist for eyes, yet his were radiant. They held so much life, yet at the same time new deep sorrow. Wow that sounded cheesy. He smiles at me and I smile back.

Throughout the past few weeks we've talked a lot about random things. Like telling jokes or stories, but it's almost like an unspoken rule to never talk about my current life. Also, not to talk about his nonexistent life because he's a nonexistent person. I don't even know his name, and if I didn't know his then he couldn't know mine. I was stubborn like that.

I should totally be freaking out right now and stuff because this isn't supposed to happen in dreams, but for some reason I stay calmed and don't get stressed out like I do in real life. Finally wanting to break the silence and hear is ruff and sexy voice (pardon the cliche, yet again) I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"So, I heard the Google stock is down by 2.61 percent today", I blurted out. I wanted to crawl into a hole right when the words came out of my mouth because it was literally one of the stupidest things I possibly could have said. I didn't even know how I knew that. I expected him to look at me funnily and call me a freak, but he just laughed. It was the most beautiful sounds I'd ever heard. I looked down in my lap, blushing furiously.

"Is that so?" He asked, grabbing one of my hands from where it rested on my knee. It sent tingles all the way up my arm and into my heart. I didn't respond to that because I knew that anything else that I said would just be more piles of stupid. I didn't know why I cared, because I'm used to feeling put down and I gave my last fücks long ago, but he's the only person that's really kind to me. And he's not even real.

Now that's a whole other level of pity-party right there.

"You're quiet tonight", he stated. I looked up at his face again to see a worried expression. I just starred again and realized I couldn't place how old he was. He could be my age, sixteen, or even his early twenties. I let go of his hand and faced up at the starry sky for courage in my next question.

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