desert life

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Khione was tired of travelling. 

They'd been driving through the Si Wong desert for hours, seeing nothing but blistering hot sand dunes and the occasional cactus. This was the opposite of the weather Khione liked, even if her knee disagreed. She supposed it was the water tribe in her. Still, she refused to complain, especially since Korra was out in the sun, riding Naga.

At last, Naga slowed down, leading them into a crumbling little sandstone town, pressing her nose to the ground.

"Aiwei has definitely been through here," Korra turned around, her skin flushed from the golden sun.

"Let's ask around, maybe someone's seen him," Mako suggested, as they all got out of the jeep. Khione's legs felt asleep from hours of just sitting, so she leant on Korra, stretching them out, before following Mako into a nearby bar.

It was a dim, decrepit thing, dust coating the floor, and shadows rendering it dark and cool.

"Ooh, look! They have a mover poster of me! Must be big Nuktuk fans," Bolin said in excitement, rubbing his hands. "Yeah, I should go over and say hello," He stepped forward, only to be dragged back by Mako.

"No. Those are wanted posters. And there's one for each of us," Mako gestured to the five posters stamped onto the wall.

"Wanted by Her Majesty, the earth queen, for crimes against the kingdom," Khione read flatly, before stepping forward to look at her poster.

"They got my good side," She noted, and Korra scowled. 

"I'm guessing this is because we took her airbenders?"

Korra looked like she was seriously plotting a murder. "They weren't hers to keep! I swear, if I ever see her pinchy little queen face again, I'm gonna-"

"Uh guys? Let's get out of here," Asami interrupted, glancing at the bar. Several of the men who'd been drinking were now staring at them, reaching for their weapons. They all backed out of the bar, Khione glaring coldly at each one of them.

Asking the locals for information turned out to be a dead end, so they piled back into the jeep, following Naga through even more rocky terrain, until they finally stopped up a rocky hill.

Korra hopped down from Naga, focusing in on a huge boulder. She slid it aside, grunting with the effort, revealing a jeep nearly identical to theirs.

Naga headbutted Korra, waiting patiently.

"Oh, sorry," Korra said awkwardly. "I forgot to bring treats, but... good girl," She said, petting Naga's head. Naga whined, then turned around and whacked Korra in the face with her tail. 

Khione laughed as Naga came up to her, pushing her nose into Khione's side. Khione squished Naga's face, before kissing her forehead. Korra groaned, and shot Khione an offended look.

"This must be Aiwei's jeep. He can't be far," Asami said.

They turned around to gaze down at the distant city ahead of them.

"Bolin and I will investigate the Misty Palms Oasis and see if he's holed up there," Mako said.

"Yes! I love it when you talk like a cop," Bolin said happily.

"I'm coming too," Korra said, her brows furrowing in determination.

"No. You, Asami and Khione wait here in case he comes back. Besides, we don't want to call too much attention to ourselves."

"You're right," Khione said blandly. "We'd be way to beautiful to be inconspicuous. Better you ugly peasants go," She added, smirking.

Mako shot her a look. "Okay, not the way I'd put it..." He said as Bolin clutched his heart. "Ouch!"

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