the surrender of zaofu

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"Use whatever you want. The elements, the Avatar state, anything you need. I know you're a little rusty."
Even a fool could hear the mockery in Kuvira's words as she slunk back into a fighting stance with feline grace.

"Enough talk," Korra called out, before lashing out with blasts of fire that plumed out. Kuvira avoided them gracefully, and the pair exchanged blows, fire against earth and metal.

Metal slips shot out from Kuvira's armour, wrapping around Korra's leg and arm and twisting her in the air. She was thrown to the ground in a clumsy heap, crying out in pain. Khione's grip tightened on her cane as Kuvira's army erupted into cheers.

Kuvira laughed, an arrogant sound. "Looks like the Avatar's a little off her game."

"Don't let her get you frustrated. She wants you to make a mistake!" Opal called out.

Korra gritted her teeth and attacked, sending bursts of flame and air at Kuvira, who easily dodged them. Khione watched as they advanced and retreated, like the tides or some deadly dance.

Khione tensed as a particularly brutal attack left Korra on the ground, gasping in pain.

"Come on Avatar. Get up. Show me what you've got," Kuvira called out, hands spread out.

"We have to help her," Opal said, and Khione's grip tightened on her cane.

"No!" Korra said brusquely, standing up. Her clothes were dusty, and grazes and small bruises already bloomed on her skin. "I can handle this."

It was clear that Korra was struggling; her movements had become slower and sluggish, and she was taking far too many blows.

Khione wanted to scream. She wanted to stride towards Kuvira and wipe that arrogant smirk off her face. She could do it too... All she would need is one flask of water. Her fingertips twitched towards her flask.

"You have to go into the Avatar state. Do it!" Su yelled out as Kuvira jumped high, her hand raised. Korra's hands flew out as her eyes glowed bright white, and Kuvira was knocked to the ground by a huge blast of air. Korra advanced, faster and lighter, her airbending magnified.

Kuvira was thrown to the ground again, her hair escaping its neat bun into a tangled mess. Korra rose in the air, borne aloft by a hurricane, a huge jagged boulder rising above her. Korra tensed, ready to throw the boulder and finally end this cursed fight, when she gasped suddenly, rearing back at something she'd seen. The glow faded, and Korra fell to the ground, the boulder smashing to the ground just before her.

"I don't understand," Jinora said helplessly. "We got the poison out. What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know," Khione replied, her mind scrambling for a reason, anything that could explain what was going on. Kuvira rose, and in one swift motion, brought Korra to the ground, the earth beneath her smashing from the impact. Then, Korra was trapped by earth, her eyes closing.

"Korra!" Khione called out, unable to hide the fear in her voice as Kuvira advanced, six metal slips sharpening into wicked curved knives.

Khione didn't think; her body reacted, and at her command, water burst from her flasks and struck Kuvira hard. She tumbled back, soaking wet, the air expelled from her lungs from the force of Khione's attack.

Beside her, Jinora and Opal shifted, readying themselves.

"You broke our agreement," Kuvira yelled, though the effect was dampened by the dripping wet hair that clung to her face.

"Attack!" Kuvira scowled, thrusting out her hand, and Kuvira's army swarmed forward.

For one brief moment, Khione felt the temptation that roared in her blood. It had been at its worst, curtesy of the full moon that had graced the night sky the previous night, leaving Khione with an itching crawling sensation all over her body. It came and went in sickening hums, whispering to her. Khione gazed out at the army, feeling strangely unafraid. She could bring down so many men with a flick of her wrists.

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