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When Khione awoke, she immediately wished she could go back to sleep. At least in her sleep, she didn't have to feel pain.
They were in the back of an armoured truck, Khione propped up on the wall, her arms tied up behind her.

"If you think holding us hostage will give you some leverage to use against the Avatar, you're gonna be very disappointed," Mako said.

"Can't we just enjoy our time together in silence?" Minghua sighed.

"And why did you need Korra alive back in Zhaofu? You had her paralysed. Why didn't you just take her out when you had the chance?" Mako continued, ignoring her.

"Look. All you need to know is that the world is about to change, for the better," Ghazan replied.

Khione groaned, and slid her head to the side.

"Hey, your little waterbender's awake," Ghazan noted, bumping Minghua's leg.

"Little waterbender?" Khione said, glaring at him. She struggled against the ropes binding her, letting out a string of curses.

"Hey, watch your language," Ghazan complained, and Khione shot him an incredulous look.

"I healed your leg. No need to thank me," Minghua said plainly. "I didn't want you bleeding all over the floor."

"How thoughtful of you," Khione replied sarcastically. It was true, she'd healed the surface wound, but Khione knew that her knee would be in pain for days to come. Just the thought made her close her eyes.

"Khione! You're awake. Are you okay?" Bolin asked, trying to scoot over to see her.

"I've been better," Khione replied tiredly. "You guys okay?" 

"Same old, same old," Mako muttered.

"She does remind me of you," Ghazan said to Minghua, looking at Khione's cold glower.
"I never got your name."

"Khione," She said flatly. She couldn't believe that she was being likened to Minghua. It was the same uneasiness that rolled through her stomach again, although dampened by her exhaustion.

"Hey, aren't we looking for new members?" Ghazan asked, nudging Minghua, watching as Khione flinched, before taking a deep breath.

They were trying to get under her skin, she thought bitterly. And it was working. Still, she managed to keep her face neutral. The terrible thing was, she could see herself in Minghua, if her life had played out differently. Maybe she would've become another bitter, disillusioned member of the Red Lotus, if she hadn't met Korra.

"If I say yes, will you let me free?" Khione asked blandly.

Ghazan smirked, before turning to Minghua. "On second thought, maybe she's not like you. She's actually funny," He teased. Minghua rolled her eyes, and stepped on his foot.

"So... you guys were locked up for like fifteen years, huh? That must've been, like, crazy boring." Bolin said awkwardly, when it was clear that Khione was done talking.

"Actually, it was only thirteen years, but it felt like thirty," Ghazan corrected.

"I mean, what did you do with all of that time? Did you sing songs, work on crafts?" Bolin asked innocently.

"Not a lot of craft supplies in a volcanic prison cell," Minghua said snippily.

"And I must've renamed the constellations about a thousand times. When it rained, that was a big event," Ghazan remembered. 

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