a girl is a gun

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They flew on Oogie for hours in the dark, and then when the sun began to rise, against the dusty orange sky. Khione sat against the side of Oogie's saddle, her bad leg stretched out weirdly to the side of her as the wind whipped around them.

Everybody was peering over Oogie's saddle, searching for any sign of Kuvira's weapon or her army in the distance.

Khione turned around as Bolin gasped, leaning forward with his telescope.

"Guys, I see something! Down there," Bolin called out, pointing forward. Khione's eyes narrowed slowly as muted disbelief spread across her.

Kuvira's army, at least ten thousand strong, was marching right towards Republic City.

"Is that?" Asami trailed off.

"Kuvira. She's already crossed into United Republic territory."

Khione shook her head. "She's a week early," She said flatly.

"This doesn't make sense. There aren't any train tracks this way. How are they transporting that superweapon of theirs?" Mako asked.

As he spoke, a violent thud, so loud it echoed around them, violently shook the ground, sending birds scattering into the air.

"Apparently on a giant mecha-suit!" Asami yelled in alarm.

Khione's heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach as the giant mecha-suit emerged from the side of the mountain. It had to be around twenty-four storeys tall. Twenty-five?

How in all the spirits had they managed to build such a giant thing? It was entirely made of metal, an ugly sleek eyesore that towered above the mountains nearby. And on its right arm...

"Did you know Kuvira was building that thing?" Mako demanded, sounding disbelieving.

"Oh, did I forget to mention it? No, of course I didn't!" Bolin yelled back sarcastically.

"Both of you two, shut up," Khione hissed, her eyes focused on the mecha-suit as it rotated, surprisingly fast. It raised its right arm, the gun now glowing bright purple, and aimed right at them.

"I know what happens next! We gotta get out of here now! NOW!" Bolin screamed urgently. Korra's brows furrowed as she tugged Oogie's reins hard, and the bison put on a spurt of speed.

It was barely enough. Khion felt her heart leap as the purple beam shot past them, so close Khione could hear the hum of its energy, before Oogie was tumbling through the air. Khione gripped onto the side of the saddle, her fingers hurting as tried not to plummet to her death.

Oogie righted himself, grunting as they headed towards one of the mountains nearby for shelter. The hairs on the back of Khione's neck prickled, and a chill shivered down Khione's spine. She turned around to see the bright purple beam glowing viciously. It hit the mountain hiding them, stone instantly melting and catching fire.

"We have to warn Republic City," Khione hissed, unnerved by the sheer power the spirit beam had unleashed. The rest of her friends looked equally as shaken as she felt, though they nodded in determination.


Khione didn't think she'd ever been on a more nerve-wracking journey before, which was saying something. Sure, she'd been on plenty of flights and trips where the world was in danger, but that spirit weapon?

In Kuvira's hands it had destroyed a mountain, and Khione was pretty sure if they didn't think of something fast, Republic City would be next in line.

She stirred from her thoughts as Oogie landed in the courtyard of Air Temple Island, huffing from the flight back. Khione slid off Oogie, ignoring the jolt in her leg as she and her friends hurried to Tenzin and the rest of the Beifong family gathered.

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