soup and tea

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Your POV

I walked through the door to my apartment as I groaned in pain. Mother Nature paid me a visit with cramps. "Shawn, I'm home!" No response he must still be on his way home.

I went to our room and changed into sweatpants and a tank-top. I removed my makeup and put my hair in a high ponytail.

"Honey, I'm home!" I heard Shawn call from the other room. "Hello, dear." I gave him a kiss and let him go change as I went to the kitchen.

I looked through the fridge for the leftovers from Nandos since I was really craving it. I felt arms snake around my waist. "Whatcha ya looking for."

"The leftovers from Nandos. Have you seen them?" I turned around to face a shirtless Shawn in gym shorts. "Oh, I took them with me for lunch." I sighed. "Shawn, I thought I told you I was saving them."

"(Y/n), I'm sorry, I didn't know you were saving them. I can get something if you'd like?" I shook my head. "It's fine. I'll make something."

I grabbed items from the fridge to make soup. Just as I was about to start, there was a cramp that felt like I was getting punched repeatedly.

"Shawn," I paused to grab my stomach so I wouldn't be whimpering in pain, "Could you finish making something with these?" He walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders. "(Y/n), is something wrong?"

"N-nothing, my stomach just hurts." I turned to leave the kitchen. "Baby," Shawn gently grabbed my waist pulling me back to him. "I know what's wrong."

He started to gently rub circles over my stomach. "You do?" He nodded his head. "Mhm. I think it's best for you to take a painkiller and lay down with blankets and pillows while I make us dinner."

"Really?!" He gave my shoulder a kiss while walking us to the pantry, grabbing the Advil, before slowly pushing me out of the kitchen.

"Yes, now take a nap, my love." He handed me a glass of water to swallow the pill.

I went to our room grabbing the blankets and pillows. I took them to the living room and spread them out on the couch. I laid my head on one of the pillows and shut my eyes.

"Baby," I was being gently poked in my arm. I brushed it off and tried to continue sleeping. "(Y/n)," I pushed the hand away. I was then picked up and put onto a lap.

"Leave me alone,you doody head." I heard his laughter. "C'mon, kitten. I made you lemon tea and your favorite soup." I rubbed my eyes and opened them.

"There's my pretty princess." He smiled as if he were a little kid on Christmas morning. He gave me a kiss. "Shawn," I mumbled.
"Yes, princess?"

"Can you feed me please." He put next to him on the couch and brought the tray to us. "Of course, princess."

sorry i forgot to update. but holy the stitches music video. i am a deceased after watching it. also, thank you for 4k reads and almost 300 votes ily

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