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your pov

"your total is $9.71." Shawn handed the cashier a crisp 10 dollar bill in exchange for the two triangular boxes.

"keep the change." he smiled warmly at the boy who looked to be 23 before wrapping an arm around me and walking the two of us out.

"it's kinda chilly, don't you say?" shawn shivered as his cheeks turned a light shade of red from being in the cold. "yes, but i brought the blankets for a reason." i raised the two blankets up.

we arrived at the river front soon, seeing there was only a couple other people there. we found a good spot and set one blanket down, and the other to wrap ourselves with.

"this is nice. you and i, hanging out together, alone, like old times." shawn mentioned as he sat down. "shawn, you know i'm loaded with all this school work."

"i know, i understand, but like when we usually hang out it ends up being with other people, you know?" i nodded grabbing one of the two boxes. "well, we're here together now, so that's all that matters."

after small talk and finishing our pizza slices, shawn cleared his throat. "so uh, (y/n)?" i hummed as a response. "what are we?"

"what do you mean exactly? we are friends correct?" i asked for more clarifications.

"yes, of course. but, we act like we are dating and people think we are dating, and if not that they think we do things but remain just friends."

it had been rumored that shawn had a thing for someone but i pushed it aside knowing i get slightly jealous. girls that enter shawn's life aren't very suited for him, he deserves the best and i'm not saying i'm the one who he should be with. those girls tend to get jealous of shawn and i's friendship and will do anything possible to ruin that for us.

"i don't know, shawn." i had thought of shawn before like that but pushed those thoughts away. "have you thought of us being together?"

"i can't lie and say that i haven't. we would be great together, in my opinion." he smiled to himself.

"let's do it." shawn's eyes grew brighter even though the sun was almost all gone. "wait let me do this the right way."

he held my hand gently with both his hands. "(y/n), will you be my girlfriend?"

"shawn, i'd love to." i smiled as he pulled me in for a hug.

"i knew they had a thing for each other!" i heard a few shh's with a smack.

"jessica! shut your damn mouth!"


"okay, but did anyone record?"

shawn and i chuckled quietly, "you guys are really bad at whispering." all 8 of them jumped down and crowded around us with their blankets, seeing as this was 'our spot' in the friend group.

we laid them out as everyone cuddled up to someone, mine obviously being shawn. he rubbed my back soothingly as he pointed out the first star that showed in the dark sky night with his free arm. "make a wish!" he said aloud.

i made my wish, a calm rest of the night, and shawn quickly asked me what it was. "my lips are sealed."

he kissed my forehead lightly,
"mine already came true."

"why can't we have a cheesy relationship like that, jack?" jack sighed loudly. "well i'm sorry, becca, you told me to shut the hell up that one time i tried."

i giggled quietly into shawn's side as he held me tighter.

this is so fucking cliche im so sorry please forgive me im a week away from midterms and fuck i have three gray hairs im too young

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