What I Hear

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Hello, author here, so basically, I wanted yall to know what I heard, so context, in gacha there is a meme called "what you hear is how you d!3d in your past life meme" the song name is called "aftermath" so yall can try it too! But now, I'll tell what I heard


Let her go!




Let go

Couldn't breah(I think it's couldn't breath but I heard this)

And that's the end of the song, shocking, I'll try to work on what I think the story is based off the words, and just know, I don't believe in this, I am doing this bc it sounds fun! Tbh I don't even believe in reincarnation, like if that's true then how is there 8 billion+ people in the world but in the past it was like hundreds only?(sorry if I offended you, it's just a though, I apologize if you take offense)

Date made:1/27/24
Date published:1/27/24

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