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⚠️ warning⚠️
⚠️mentions of d3@th⚠️
⚠️spoilers for how bbb got solar⚠️
⚠️ spoilers in both bbb movies⚠️

ello, author here, I am here to tell you that I wanted to do a change in reltionships/friendships And no, I will still NOT SHIP ANYONE because



3. I DONT SHIP THEM(everyone else)

4. I only do CANON ships for boboiboy(no ships are canon)

Ok now with the chapter!!

Starlight and solar -

besties cuz they both can use light(starlight uses light from her star since she is a human star) and they friendship is basically a dumb friend(starlight) and smart friend(solar)

Starlight and author -


Halilinatar and author -

not close, barely know eachother since they rarely talk, also since author is scared of Halilinatar cuz he is scary

Ying and yaya -

close, both are amart, become enemies when there is a competition or test, basically the same as canon

Boboiboy and admiral tarung -

basically the same as canon, but admiral tarung is kinda nicer to kokotiam as he ACTUALLY  acknowledges the fact that kokotiam is TEENAGERS

Yes, I am mad about that fact that he seems like he DOESN'T CARE THAT THEY ARE TEENS!!

boboiboy and elements -

They are VERY close, and are family(if any of you ship ANY of those elements with bbb or with other elements, dont even TRY commenting about it, I stan elemental siblings.) With lunar(shadow element) they arent close close, bit boboiboy sees him as a older brother thats cold(yes oboi, yess that cute:3)

Boboiboy and kokotiam -

They see eachother as lifelong friends since they new eachother for YEARS and trust eachother VERY much, and will even give up their power watches for eachother(yes I made them that close:3) including boboiboy(possibility of boboiboy elemental angst for this 📈📈📈📈)

Boboiboy and adu du -

Boboiboy still cares for him(INNOCENT BEAN OBOI!!!) and tried to get him to eb good, but he is HARD HEADED and annoyed by boboiboy, but adu du still cares for boboiboy as they were friends at one point(i heard about this somewhere but forgot where, its most probably in the original series)

Aliens and kokotiam -

The aliens treat kokotiam like other aliens and ally's and are sort of close

Bora ra and boboiboy -

Boboiboy feels guilty about that, but new it had to be done or the world could be at risk... sometimes boboiboy looks at a blackhole and remembers hkw bora ra got sucked into one, how boboiboy solar blasted him in the black hole(its in the 1st movie)

Captain vargoba and boboiboy -

He feels guilty about what he done to captain vargoba... but boboiboy new it had to be done or something worse could've happened.. Either way he still did it.. sometimes Boboiboy looks at the roof of TAPOPS and remembers when he got thrown up there.. into space.. He remembers the pain... How cold space felt.. even with the warmth of his orange vest it felt... freezing.. Then he would look at a wall.. and remember seeing captain vargobas last moments before he fell down.. d3@d even with it being so far away from him.. he saw it.. he saw everything.. the 3xpl0s!on$ the destruction.. all of his faults..

Rettak'ka and boboiboy -

Boboiboy wished he and rettak'ka could've been friends.. he could've taught boboiboy things he never new of.. He could've helped boboiboy get tier 3 of his elements.. but unfortunately he wanted the elements back.. He didnt care... Sometimes boboiboy researches the place on earth where he and rettak'ka last met.. the last fight.. the last battle.. Boboiboy would remember how he beat him.. how he used Halilinatar and solar to make supra... how supra blasted him to space.. how he fell of the cliff... how he hit and ice.. how he could've dr0wned ifnit weren't for his friends.. his team.. till this day he is grateful to them for saving him instead of leaving him therr to dr0wn.. how fast they swam to him.. even if he was about to slip into a coma.. he saw their worry.. how much they swam through the freezing qaters just to save him.. that memory will be in boboiboy forever

(its in the 2nd movie)

Amato and Boboiboy -

They havent seen eachother for a while since they barely have free time in their line of work, but from time to time they text, though not often..(Amato is boboiboys father, and its CANON)

Date finished:5/17/24
Date published:5/21/24

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