elements in the watch be like:

27 1 0

Blaze - crazy toddler
(Tbh normal blaze behaviour)

Halilinatar - arguing with solar

Solar - arguing with halilinatar
(Normal tbh)

Taufann - flying like some wild bird
(Because he is)

Thorn/duri - taking care of his plants
(Plant mama/dada)

Ais - sleeping
(He always sleeps tbh)

Gempa - the mama by stopping chaos
(Too hopeful that it'll be able stopped)

Words you may not know

It'll = it will

Tbh = to be honest

Hopeful = to keep hope

Crazy = opposite of normal

Plant mama/dada = someone who loves plants and takes care of it

Behaviour =normal manner

Hello, author here, I wanted to say thank you ranzamea096 for correcting my spelling of "halilinatar" I thought it was spelled "halilinator" note this though, I will not be fixing my past spellings due to halilinatar rarely being in my chapters as I dont really know how to use his personality that well yet, in future chapters I will correct my spellings of halilinatar, thank you for reading, goodbye

Date finished:5/7/24
Date published:5/7/24

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