Author In A Nutshell

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Star/author - a random writer that likes boboiboy, has schizophrenia, is crazy, Very weird, makes weird noises, is cringe(bc I sometimes sing the Rick roll song in class lol), sometimes thinks what are the reasons to live, dry and dead hair, hates baths, almost always has writers block, WEIRD, has a bully, sometimes thinks life ain't worth living but too 😺 to do it, is a pre teen, doesn't have TikTok bc it's toxic, loves gacha, sometimes twerks to annoy anyone, VERY WEIRD, is a girl, goes by she/her, hates sleep, hates waking up, lives in Philippines, fangirls about rainimator(it is a Minecraft animator), writes what ever comes to mind

Date made:3/8/24
Date published:3/27/24

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