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March 20,2024
Seoul South Korea

Jimmy garoppolo x Sara celebrated two years together on as friendship feb 1st

Garoppolo family are slowly finding out that Sara is actually a dodgers athlete.

The last time Sara logged in was Jan 25 she gained 5M Followers.

Meanwhile with Garoppolo family

Garoppolo relatives

Is Sara a professional athlete?

Mama Garoppolo: yes

Garoppolo relatives: really, what does she play?

Mama: she's play professional baseball

Garoppolo relatives: she's a major league baseball player then they found her Instagram and began to follow her account.


Sara is emotionally hurt and heartbroken over shohei ohtani before she met Jimmy garoppolo she was married to him all the way until December of last year when things began to reveal one by one that shohei had a affair cheated on her she did not make a commotion but stayed silent how far shohei was going to go.

Known each other from 2014 and married silently silently 2021 same year she found out about Taehyung.

Few days before he made his announcement he spoke with her

On February 29 when he did the announcement was supposed to be Sara and shohei three year anniversary married.

Shohei ohtani has tried multiple times from when he announcement to now to speak with Sara he is scared and worried for Sara well being his parents are worried as well.

Jimmy garoppolo has been worried about Sara.

On top shohei ohtani marriage announcement

Sara mom asked for a divorce she also cheated Dad saw it coming but never  wanted to make her feel bad.

Mom said she's moving out of Barcelona she's not going to sell the house everything she will leave to dad and Sara

Her brother is also not doing okay but Sara got hit the most

Family side of dad know that shohei cheated.

She's very 💔 on top of the paparazzi it's driving her insane.

During the Korea arrival

Freddie Freeman x Sara Rosales got a room together used the other room for one of the couples since

Freddie wife did not come to the trip lol

So Freddie and Sara have been sharing bed and promised eachother that they will not say anything what stays in korea stays in korea have been so couply 😂

So he got to know her more better

He then asked about her love life

All she said was she got cheated on found out by a post

Freddie Freeman: who's the dumbass could possibly cheat on you

Sara: a womanizer

Freddie Freeman: so you are the last one so I need your thoughts what do you think about shohei ohtani Japanese parapzzi

Sara: overwhelming I understand he's a big shot but the japanese press gotten very undercontrol and it's only spring training imagine how it's going to be like for the rest of the regular season and for the next nine years overwhelming

I don't think I will be able to finish the first half of the season it's breaks my heart I'm in disbelief it's only spring training.

If I can hang out by may at least

Freddie texted the groupchat w/out Sara and shohei

Freddie Freeman: Sara is very disappointed/ overwhelmed.

Clayton: caught that on and shaky. I don't blame her media can be very toxic exception of our team media.

Mookie Betts: wait are you both sharing room??

Max Muncy: 👀

Austin Barnes: me and kike are sharing but you and Sara she's funny and savage

Doubled beds

Freddie: we only got one bed but she called the floor 🤣

Gavin Lux: your cold should have given her the bed


It's supposed to be 4:50am in California but it's 8:51PM in Seoul but she's fighting sleep

She did not start but she's going to come in to hit

Bobby Miller: oh man you are fighting sleep 😂


Sara fighting sleep while her teammates cannot stop laughing 😂


Sara is ready to go to sleep gram slam for the win. .

Sara skipped team dinner she

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