Chapter 3

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Jesper pov

Usually Jesper had no issue speaking his mind, but this time it was different. He was dealing with Kaz, and to make matters worse, a seemingly unstable Kaz. It also didn't help that Jesper didn't have a clue what might be bugging him besides the name Jordie. Which wasn't really much help considering no one really knew much about Kaz, it wasn't like he could just ask around and get answers. He'd known Kaz the longest but knew as little as everyone else, it was time to change that.

He followed Kaz as the other made his way back to the Slat. The boy looked drunk, ready time tip over at any moment, Jesper could only hope they didn't run into a fight. And by some miracle they didn't .

He watched as his friend hurried up the stairs while he himself tried his best to follow with his cane as inconspicuously as possible. He decided to wait a while before going to Kaz's room, thinking he might need some time to calm down.

In hindsight it might have been a better idea to have gone earlier, then maybe he wouldn't be looking at Kaz cowering in the corner of his room, struggling to breathe.

Kaz pov

One minute Kaz was dragging Jesper from a table and then he was 8 again looking at his older brother, begging him to be better. To drop his greed for ambition, for money, for success, to just focus on living.

He stumbled away, nose attacked by the haunting smell of Reapers Barge, skin crawling at the feeling off soft flesh giving way beneath him, eyes unfocused as the sounds of waves crashed his ears.

It had felt like hours before he found himself at the door of the Slat, keeling his head hung low he hurried to his room, unaware of the questioning glances thrown his way. Reaching his room he pulled his gloves off, despising the warmth that was growing.

It was then that he became aware of the deafening silence, senses muffled like he was under water.

He felt his himself backing up till he banged into the wall, sliding down, hands tangled in his hair, grabbing and pulling.

He couldn't breathe, everything was blurry, one hand now scratching at his throat, he needed to breathe. So panicked he didn't hear the door opening, didn't hear Jesper call for him.

All he could hear was the water.


A/N sorry this is late and kinda just a filler chapter because I'm sorting out how I want this to go. I know what I want to happen I'm just debating how I want to get there...if that makes sense.

Also, if anyone wants to contribute an idea for later on in the story, if younger Kaz had a pet horse maybe dog too, what do you think he'd name them? And what hobbies he would have had as well?

That's all, again apologies for the delay,
Till next time my dudes.

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