Something to Fight for

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In the woods, Nadira laughs as she admires the money and jewelry that she stole. In the back room of the prison, something was happening to Ransik. His skin was bubbling silver bubbles and he lifts his left hand to his eye.

He screams out in pain, causing Nadira to turn her attention away from what she was doing. As Nadira continues to hear him scream in pain, she walks over to check on him.

"Daddy, are you okay?" she asked in concern, waving her hand at Frax. "Daddy?"

In a container that he opened, there were vials of a clear blue liquid. Ransik takes one out as he groans in pain. "Daddy?" asked Nadira, her voice sounded faint through the door. Ransik pops off the cap and drinks the contents, making the pain go away.

The door opens and Nadira backs away as he walks out. "Daddy, I..." Nadira started to say when was cut off.

"Everything's fine, my sweetness." said Ransik, holding his hand up and starts laughing. "Now let's get to work."

"Great idea, boss." said Gluto as Ransik walks away, causing a worried look to appear on Nadira's face. "I am dying for some action."

On the beach, Trip was trying to get something out from under the wreck when Katie walks up behind him, carrying a piece of the ship. She then pulls Trip back and looks to see what he was trying to get. Katie then lifts up what was barricading as Trip looks up at her, smiling. He quickly goes and grabs another yellow container, opening it.

Inside the container was what looked like a glider. "Look, I want to catch Ransik as badly as you, but we're going to need help." said Lucas as he walks over to Jen. Sarah was sitting a ways from them with her legs to her chest, looking out into the ocean. Jen looks down, thinking when suddenly the time ship's communication device turned on.

"Hey, over here!" shouted Jen, causing Trip, Katie and Sarah to run over to her. On the holographic screen, Captain Logan appeared.

"This is Captain Logan. Can you read me?" he asked.

"We read you, Captain." said Jen.

"Where have you landed?"

"We followed Ransik to the year 2001." said Jen.

"Sir, he's got a whole prison full of monsters." said Katie. "We need backup."

"That's impossible." said Captain Logan. "With the time ship destroyed, we can't send any human help. Our weapons are at your disposal, but the rest is up to you."

He then looks up at Jen with a grim look on his face. "Jen, I'm afraid I have some bad news." he said. "Your parents called and reported your sister missing."

"Tell them not to worry, sir." said Jen and pulls a guilty looking Sarah to her. "She followed me aboard the ship."

"I'm sorry, Captain Logan." said Sarah.

"It's good to know that you're safe, Sarah." said Captain Logan, with a relief look on his face. "You're our only hope."

"Yes, sir. We won't let you down." said Jen.

In a limo driving around the city, Wes and Zoey were in the backseat. Zoey had a violin case with her. "Philips, I hate these things." said Wes as he pulls on his tie.

"You can't attend an executive meeting without a necktie." Philips said to him.

"Then explain to me why our father is forcing me to take violin lessons?" asked Zoey, glaring at the case. "I hate playing this stupid thing."

"Your father thinks it's an appropriate instrument for a proper young lady." he tells her.

"Yeah, well, maybe I shouldn't even..." Wes started to say but looks out the window. "Philips, stop. Stop, stop!"

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