Jen's Revenge

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At the clock tower, Circuit had brought up the file on the mutants they had while Sarah was reading a book and Zoey places everything in her backpack. " where's my history book?" Zoey asked herself, looking around the table.

"Here you go." said Sarah, holding Zoey's history book.

"Thanks." said Zoey.

"Trip, check on the mutants that we've captured." said Circuit as Trip walks over to the cabinet. "Make sure their cryogenic containment is functioning properly."

He then opens the twin doors and checks every mutant that is in there. "All present and accounted for." said Trip. Not far from Trip, Lucas was placing gel in his hair when he hears Wes' alarm clock go off. Wes then hits his alarm clock and just as he turns over, he falls from the wooden loft.

"Whoa, that's gonna leave a mark." said Circuit.

"You're telling me. I've seen a whole lot worse on him." said Zoey as Wes gets up from the floor and looks at his alarm clock. "It's gonna leave a mark not just on his forehead, but maybe his nose too. We'll see when I get back from school."

"Why are you guys up so early? Other than Zoey, I mean." said Wes.

"It's not early, Wes." said Lucas as he exchanges his alarm clock for a glass of orange juice which was then taken out of his hand by Katie.

"Where's Jen?" asked Wes, still waking up.

"She was gone when I woke up." said Zoey, then kiss her brother on the cheek. "I gotta go, don't wanna to be late for first period."

"Behave and don't start a fight, Zoey." Wes tells her.

"I'll behave but I make no such promise that I won't start a fight." Zoey called out over her shoulder. "Love you, Wes."

"Love you too, Zoey!" he called out after her.

"Training as usual." said Katie, answering Wes' question. Out in a park, Jen was beating up a tree as hard as she can, imaging it as Ransik. His laughter fills Jen's head, causing her to hit the tree even harder. Minutes later, she stops to catch her breath.

Taking off her glove, Jen looks down at her left hand, staring at the ring Alex gave her. "Alex." she quietly said to herself.


"Jennifer, will you marry me?" asked Alex, proposing to her.

[Flashback ends]

As Jen sits against the tree in tears, she didn't see Wes run up. "Hey." Wes called out to her, causing Jen to look up. "Good morning. So, you want someone to workout with? Besides, I bet I'm tougher than that tree."

Jen just stares at Wes as he walks up to her. "Come on, I bet I could show you a thing or two, huh?" said Wes, trying to get a smile out of her. "Come on."

"Really?" asked Jen, skeptical at him.

"Yeah." Wes said, then throws the first punch. Jen grabs his wrist, flips him and throws him to the ground. "Ow!"

"Someday, if you'll get up early enough, maybe you can keep up with me." said Jen and walks away from Wes. Wes sits up, feeling wounded.

"Begin reanimation." Frax said as he reanimated a new mutant for Ransik. As the reanimator door opens, the mutant roars as Ransik nodded his head in approval.

"Out of my way, bolt brain." said the mutant, pushing Frax aside. "So, Ransik, I see you're back in charge. Excellent."

"Yes." said Ransik, picking up a couple of cases. "Now I have a job for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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