Chapter 12 - First Battle

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Chapter Song Rec: I Know by Travis Scott




You let out a loud yelp as you fell off your bed onto the hard wooden floor, having rolled off in your sleep. You untangled yourself from the covers while huffing loudly. What a crappy way to be woken up.

When you glanced over at the alarm clock, you noticed it was still early. Only six in the morning. You weren't meeting Maria, Ravi and Miles until eleven, which meant you had five hours to kill in the meanwhile.

You thought about going back to sleep for a moment, but decided against it. It was always hard for you to fall back asleep, and you had better things to do anyways.


Even though the school was broken down, the teachers had made sure to assign everyone plenty of homework to do over the break, ranging from worksheets, to watching videos, to taking at-home tests, and ugh, they were absolutely killing you.

You gave yourself a half-hour to brush your teeth and wash your face before you groggily sat down at your desk and began working through the textbooks piled on top of your desk, playing some of your favorite music in the background to help you focus.

As you hummed along to the rhythm, you felt yourself slipping into thought, the way you always did. 

Hammerhead...I wonder what we're going to do this time?

The Prowler had agreed to take you on another heist with him today, but you weren't sure what for. To probe the gang member about his involvement with nanotech? To try to beat out the name of the person he'd supplied with these weapons?

The whole doppelgänger fiasco was even more confusing. Prowler hadn't explained anything to you, so you were still left in the dark about it.

All you knew was that someone was trying to mess with him. But you couldn't figure out who. Why would someone want to pretend to be the Prowler? What could they possibly get out of it? The Prowler worked alone, so he couldn't have any contacts the doppelgänger wanted access to, and it wasn't like the guy was famous either. He wouldn't have done it for the fame.

So why?

Maybe it was for the fear? Knowing that no random thug would try to pull a gun on him while he was wearing that suit?

After all, they'd robbed a cargo shipment on one of the docks. The only reason they were able to do that so easily was because everyone around him was too afraid to stop him.

Because he was the Prowler.

And everyone was afraid of the Prowler.

And you couldn't blame them. The Prowler was an intimidating person. In fact, you'd been fairly afraid of him, ever since you were young and the original Prowler had been in charge of the streets. But ever since that new vigilante had taken over...things had changed.

The Prowler was no longer a bad guy. He fought for the civilians, for the people in the streets. He didn't steal, unless it was from one of those giant corporations or one of those military bases, and he never harmed a civilian.

He fought against the cartel. The Sinister Six cartel to be specific. And they definitely deserved it.

The Prowler was...well he wasn't a good guy. He wasn't a hero. But he also wasn't a villain.

He was just kind of...there.

But it seemed like this doppelgänger was looking towards turning the persona of the Prowler into something different.

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