Just choose! : Yandere!Four x Reader x Yandere!Two P2

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Read part 1 before reading. Same warnings there apply here.

Also there is described nausea


O/N looked over at Two.

O/N: "Two? You okay?"

But Two was lost in thought. Actually, not thought. There wasn't any logical reasoning, just the obsession.

O/N: "Two?"

O/N tapped Two's shoulder, considering that the algebralian was unresponsive.

Two: "Huh? Oh, sorry. The question just.. reminded me of something."

O/N: "If you don't feel comfortable answering, that's fine"

Two: "Yeah, I think I need a minute."

O/N: "Ok! I'm gonna go talk to Gaty and see if I can bring up the confidence to confess."

Two: "Yeah.."

Two teleported away. O/N got up from where they were sitting. Each step they took, the still burned grass crunched under their feet. It normally felt calm, but they felt like they weren't alone. For now though, they make it to Gaty.

O/N: "Hi, Gaty!"

Gaty looked over at O/N, smiling. She was previously looking at a bush, curious as to why there was plant life in the burned area.

Gaty: "Oh, hey, O/N!"

O/N took a deep breath. They weren't going to waste this.

O/N: "Can I tell you something?"

Gaty: "Yeah, you can always talk to me if you need to."

O/N: "I.. I love you!"

Gaty paused for a second. Her face turned red.

Gaty: "I love you too-"

But a happy story isn't an interesting one, now is it?

Before O/N and Gaty could embrace, the bush rustled violently. They both looked over. Gaty's expression was more curious while O/N's was more anxious.

In a flash of blue, someone popped out of the bush.

Someone O/N thought was gone for good.

Quicker than most eyes can follow, Four grabbed O/N. O/N understandably started screaming, which attracted the attention of another obsessed number.

Two showed up as soon as they heard O/N in danger. And then they saw Four. They both had a look at each other. Neither of them were going to give up O/N without a fight.

Gaty stood up, trying to reason with the numbers.

Gaty: "What is going on? Are you guys seriously trying to take O/N? Shouldn't you just let them choo-"

Gaty couldn't even finish. The sound of harp playing was audible. O/N watched in horror as Gaty was dismembered by Four. Four only smiled sadistically. Two didn't want to be a jerk, but they couldn't help but smile at Gaty's death.

O/N eventually got out of Four's grip, stumbling away from both Two and Four. They were even more disgusted by the fact that both of the numbers seemed to enjoy the death of their lover.

O/N: "W-why are YOU here? What even is going on? I.. I.."

Previously their emotion with Four was a little bad, but it increased when they looked back on it. Also, the fact that their friend seemed to enjoy Gaty being dismembered just made the stress worse. O/N held their mouth, holding back disgust.

Two and Four didn't even pay attention to them. They were more focused on eachother. It was like watching two cowboys at high noon. It didn't take long for action to start, with Four and Two blasting eachother. O/N slowly stepped back more and more, until they just booked it.

They knew where the recovery center was. Two wanted it to be shipped on time, but there was still a few fixes to be made before it could be sent to the contestants. A perk from knowing the green number before the show started.

Two was fighting Four, they believed they were impressing O/N.. wait, where was O/N?

Four also realized O/N was gone. They were PISSED. Immediately, Four went speeding off to find their light, THEIR O/N. Not love-stealing no-good British Two's.

Both numbers immediately started teleporting around, looking for O/N. By the time that they were found, they were at the recovery center, typing slowly. G. A. Y. Recover. Wait no that's a misspelling. They started typing again, but a green arm gently pulled them away.

Two: "That isn't necessary."

O/N slowly turns around. Both numbers were there. Before either of them could say something, O/N spoke up.

O/N: "Ok, I need either or both of you to explain what the hell is going on. I just confess to Gaty and then suddenly you start fighting."

Two: "Oh. Yeah. So I'm kinda.. super obsessed with you to the point of considering murder of anyone who interacts with you."

Four: "You're. Mine."

Two: "Ignore them. Anyway, it would be nice if you could make a choice between us to save the fighting. I trust you to make the right one."

O/N: "Well I'd rather have Gaty, cause I like.. actually love her?"

Four: "Keep talking about her and she'll be worse than dead."

Two: "What they mean is she isn't available right now. Pick between me and Four."

O/N: "I-I- I don't know.. I choose-"


A/N: left it up to you guys to make your own choice

Total word count: 884

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