Just Set Up The Chairs

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"All right, listen up. We've got this birthday party today, so.. lots to do, lots to do," said Benson, in front of the house with a clipboard in hand.

It was another full-scheduled morning in the enormous Park, and the gang were about to help set up for a little boy's birthday party. Benson had certain jobs for everybody, of course. Well, almost.

"Muscle Man, High-Five Ghost, you're in charge of picking up the special entertainment." Benson instructed. Muscle Man and High-Five Ghost looked pretty pleased with their assignment, judging by their grins. "Yes! Uh!" They cheered, with a high five. At least they didn't have a boring job.

"Skips, you set up the bouncy castle," said Benson. Skips nodded and took off, without hesitation.

"Melanie," said Benson, "you're in charge of picking up the birthday cake and arranging the party food."

"Cool," said Melanie, with a nod.

"Let's see," said Benson, "I'm picking up the kids, so

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"Let's see," said Benson, "I'm picking up the kids, so.. Mordecai and Rigby.. you set up the chairs."

Mordecai and Rigby were clearly not pleased with what sounded like the most boring assignment. "Augh!" They both groaned, whilst Mordecai slid down the house steps and onto the ground. With a hand over her mouth, Melanie stifled a snicker.

"Oh, what about me?"

Melanie walked away from the stairs, and she and Benson glanced up at Pops who was leaning out of his bedroom window at the top of the house. "Surely, I'm invited to my own birthday party!"

"Uhm.. your birthday was last week, remember? It's a kid's party today," said Benson.

Pops pulled out a bundle of multicoloured balloons and, with a smile, said, "I still have balloons!"

"We've got it covered, Pops." Benson called. Pops frowned. "Oh. I see." He responded. He then slipped out of the window, and was carried across the sky by the balloons. But Benson and Melanie knew that he wouldn't be sad for very long - he was smiling!

"Dude, how come we always get stuck with the lame jobs? Setting up the chairs?!" Mordecai asked Benson, when he and Rigby stormed over to him in a huff. "♪ Laaa-aaame! ♪" Rigby sang out.

"I can't trust you guys with something actually important. You're always slacking off." Benson said.

Whilst Rigby's eyes widened. Mordecai glared at Benson. "You calling us slackers?" He remarked.

"Did he? Did you?" Rigby asked Benson, in stunned disbelief. Mordecai turned to his little best friend and angrily said, "He's calling us slackers."

"Well," said Melanie, whilst she was rubbing the side of her neck, "he's not completely wrong, guys."

In an instant, Mordecai defensively pointed at Melanie. He clearly didn't appreciate being told he and Rigby weren't good at their jobs. "Hey! Look, we can totally set up all those chairs without slacking off." He told her and Benson, confidently.

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