Shadowpaws Honor

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Shadowpaws pov in this one!

Yeva: Redfur + They are an elder-)

Shadowpaw, a young she-cat with black fur, white paws and a white tail, was nervously on the dawn patrol with her mentor, Lemonfoot, she was almost back at the camp, and she could get to her mom, also the oldest queen in the clan, Sharpclaw. Once they were in camp, her mentor told her "Go ahead, get a piece of prey, you've earned it, Shadowpaw." Shadowpaw raced over to the elders den and instantly ran to the sharp-toned elder. She put her muzzle deep in the grey fur of Sharpclaw. Sharpclaw smiled and then said "Alright, get your head out before I bite you, mouse-brain!" She used her paw with sheathed claws to bat the nervous apprentice on the ear. Shadowpaw walked along, and froze in her tracks once the leader called a clan meeting. She trotted on over with Dirtwater. Treestar, their leader, called out the patrols. She got put on a patrol with Dirtwater, Milkpaw, Hardpaw, and obviously the most liked warrior, Pinkfur. They walked on a patrol, while Milkpaw and Hardpaw made their usual snarky comments. One stung her the most, Milkpaw said "Hey Shadowpaw, you should be in stupid ShadowClan! Not ThunderClan!" The whole clan knew... knew about how her father was a ShadowClan warrior. She hissed and continued walking. She trotted along while her clanmates on the patrol followed. Then they saw Liontail, the biggest warrior, running away. Liontail would NEVER run away! What had frightened him..? But then her fur rised. She had scented ShadowClan.. she hissed and her claws unsheathed. She was ready to fight, but then a giant tabby warrior from ShadowClan slammed into her. She hissed and swiped at him, but he sat on her. The Tom said "Oh no you don't! I've been ordered to sit on you until we can ki-" he froze. He then continued on, "Show you ShadowClan!" The tabby said nervously. She hissed and then she spat out "Well. I'd like to know my enemies name. So what is it, Fox-Dung?" She spat out. He didn't look offended. He then said, "I'm Wetpaw! I know, I'm big for an apprentice, thanks." He assumed that was what she would say. Well it wasn't! She thought furiously. She thrashed around and she eventually went limp. He looked at her worriedly and then she slashed him across his muzzle. He staggered back, blood dripping into his eyes. She lunged at him and bit his neck. Jerking her muzzle back and fourth, he was getting hurt by a small apprentice. She then got hit on the head.. and into unconscious she went.

She woke up in the ShadowClan camp. Her dad, Rabbitear, was eyeing her as the ShadowClan leader, Hardstar, looked at her disgustedly. Hardstar said, "So this thing is what we kidnapped for you?" Hardstar said with enough venom to kill 40 cats mid-run. She hissed and then she saw Wetpaw, he was grooming himself and some herbs were on his face, same with cobweb, dressing up his wounds. She growled and he looked at her. He walked on over, then he sat by her. She hissed but he didn't care, he kept being near her. Rabbitear left, same with Hardstar. In the camp entrance, it was just them. He then looked at her and said, pushing her gently, "Go, run home. You look like you don't wanna be here. I'll tell them you threatened to kill me if I didn't let you go." He said. She smiled gently and then she ran away, leaving him and the ShadowClan warriors behind. She couldn't stay. She had to get back to her mother.. her home.

Alright!!! This took me so long- my school has been kicking my A$$-
Anyways, comment some ideas for me! It would be helpful <3
Thank you so much for almost 60 reads!!

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