Shadowpaws Honor- PART 2

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She ran. Her pelt flowing. The wind ruffling up her grey-black fur. She was running, her paws making prints in the soft mud. She already missed his comforting warm fur; his smile at her. She had already thought of him as a friend, some how. She didn't know how, but she had grown attached to the flame-colored apprentice. She ran until..

She fell. She then realized she had run WAY out of Clan territory's. She was running the wrong way too, she just realized that. Her paws had taken her back onto ShadowClan territory, than farther. She was thinking, but running. She ran straight into the Orange apprentice again. He was on a tree, very far from any Clan's territory. He hissed, but when he realized it was her he just froze. She lept onto the branch and then he said softly, "Shadowpaw..." he said with a tone that obviously meant, 'why are you here? Doesn't matter, how long are you gonna stay?' She smiled and then she said, "well, my paws are just.. not listening! At all! So.. yeah." She told him. He laughed and then he looked up at the sky. It was almost moon-high, so the stars of their warrior ancestors were out. She looked up at the sky and gave him an understanding look that he saw. He then sighed sadly, and then he said, "My Mother died when I was just a moon old, so.. every night I come here. To see our warrior ancestors.." He trailed off. He was already sad, she could see that. She leaned against him and she could feel his pain. She sighed and then he put his muzzle into her chest-fur. She pulled away instinctively, but then she let him... She could safely call him a friend. She wanted to grab the star of his dead mother and give it to him. When she saw his sad face.. she really wanted to tear apart the world for him. She sighed and she looked away.

He looked at her, she had looked away. He was a very empathetic person, so he could tell what she was feeling instantly. He flicked his tail and his paws took him to her, and his tail twined around hers. He thought, I am never letting anyone harm this she-cat, rival Clan or not, shes my friend now, my only friend.. he thought to himself. He watched her leap off the tree and walk back to her clan. PROBABLY her clan, idiot! His inner, Star voice said. Star was his VERY grouchy rouge sister. He sighed and then, suddenly, a twoleg walked up to the tree and then..


GREAT STARCLAN! he yelled in his head as he sped off the tree. He was yelling "TWOLEGS! THEY CAME TO HARM OUR TREES, RIVERCLAN!" All of his RiverClan clanmates hissed. But suddenly, Twolegs and their weird tools came running in. He knew what Shadowpaw had ran from. He ran straight to ThunderClan, seeking help and empaths there. Shadowpaw saw the twolegs, since she was (Why?) in RiverClan territory. Why? How? Where? How fast  did she have to go? Those were questions that couldn't be answered. She saw him and Ran to her territory, going to warn her Clan and try and help his. A twoleg grabbed him, but then she stopped, he knew what she was about to do. He then yelled, "NO! SHADOWPAW, RUN! ILL BE OKAY! RUN, HELP BOTH OF OUR CLANS! HELP THE FOREST!" He yelled frantically at her.





Into what?

Hi, it's your loyal author <3
My inspo CAME QUICK-
Anyways y'all are welcome-
Also thx for over 100 reads!!

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