The Murder

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Her Grey and black pelt stalked the grassy dirt. She let out a snarl as she lunged at Milk'Paw and sliced her throat open. Blood and guts fell out. She began eating the body, the copper tang of the blood feeling sweet on her tongue. She snarled again. Wet'Paw slicked to her side and began feasting aswell. Milk'Paw began saying "Shadow'Paw... Shadow'Paw... WAKE UP!"

Shadow'Paw jerked away and bat Wet'Paw with one paw. She stared at her best friend and almost purred. She got up and then she sighed at the stone floor. Another day without feeling the softness of forest dirt beneath her paw-pads. She shook herself and trotted over to the weird pellets cats called "Food" she had begun to grow skinny the past Moon they had been there. She obviously did NOT like the food there. I wish Wet'Paw and I were warriors. Then we could run away. There'd be nobody stopping us... She shook the unloyal thought away. She licked her now bleeding pads. More two-leg stuff on the ground. She spun around and then her eyes glanced at the door they went too. What if.. she ran away? With Wet'Paw, of course. No! No no no no NO! Stop being unloyal IDIOT! Her mothers voice rang in her head. She began grooming herself, to get her mind off that. But then, a cat Barreled into her. She snarled as she whipped her head around and saw Milk'Paw and her two idiot minions, Yellow'Paw and Mouse'Paw. She snarled out softly "Milk'Paw..." And Milk'Paw grinned wildly as she said, her massive Ego ruining Shadow'Paws day, "Actually Idiot, it's Milk'Nose now, Snake." Shadow'Paw snarled as the absolutely massive cat that was her best friend came by her side. Wet'Paw snarled at them. Shadow'Paw then realized everyone she knew was getting caught into this weird Two'Leg place... Two-Legs! Yucky!

Her instinctive thought kicked in. Then, she lunged at Milk'Nose. Milk'Nose staggered back as she swiped at Shadow'Paw blindly. Shadow'Paw let out a cry of pain. She had scratched her eye! She lunged at Milk'Nose, slicing her nose. Blood came out, the Copper smell of it making her gag a bit. She shook her head and lunged again, her sharp claws scratching Milk'Nose badly. Milk'Nose snarled and slammed her onto the floor. She felt her hind paw land with a heartbreaking SNAPPP! She felt pain shake her. She was getting revenge.. and Wet'Paw did see this. But then Shadow'Paw did the unthinkable. She sliced Milk'Noses throat open. Blood came rushing out as she screamed so loud the Birds outside could probably hear her. Shadow'Paw bit down and began ripping her insides out. First, the heart, then the lungs. Then she felt Milk'Nose go limp and cold. She had killed a warrior. She snapped her head towards the traumatized Yellow'Paw and Mouse'Paw. Shadow'Paw lunged, the broken or twisted back hind leg not stopping her from snapping Mouse'Paws neck. Wet'Paw snarled at Yellow'Paw and landed on top of her, her head busted open from the impact of the stone floor. Milk'Noses and Mouse'Paws blood was on her paws, literally. She began.. licking the blood off her paws. She had a murderous gaze in her eyes now... and a hungry one. She thought the copper tang of the blood in her mouth tasted usually.. good?

She began nomming at the organs of Milk'Nose scattered across the floor. Wet'Paw began fighting other cats who even dared to get near Shadow'Paw. She let out a soft Mrrow of amusement at that. She grinned at her enemies bodies. She let out a swift cry of pain when she stepped on her hind paw. Wet'Paw looked at her paw and then he said, orange fur ruffled up and all, "It's just twisted.. nothing more." As soon as he said that, she fainted.

She fell to the floor on something.

But where was she going to wake up?


Your fav author Jay!!
HAH. CLIFFHANGER. (Pls don't get mad at me-)
Like 700 words.
This has taken me so long I'm sorry
I'll try to make more chapters more often

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