Escaping? Together!

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⚠️Blood, gore and sensitive topics⚠️


Wet'Paw looked at the weird metal box him and Shadow'Paw were in again. He simply just rolled his eyes and laid back down next to her. He had been watching over her- since she hadn't been awake for a whole sunrise. His claws sheathed and un-sheathed. Stupid Milk'Nose! Her clanmates were horrible. What if he killed all of them? That might make her happy! He didn't know. He wrapped his tail around hers. He was sitting up, while Shadow'Paw was still asleep. They eventually got to the thing his dead sister, Star, used to call the "Vet". They were in a Two-Leg monster with a weird looking two-leg. Only silver fur on her head, weird. He paused when the Two-Leg tried to just grab Shadow'Paw He snarled and padded in front of her. Either they both went into there, or neither of them went into there. He had done the same thing when this Two-Leg tried to take Shadow'Paw away from him.

    He eventually got his way. They both went into the building. His orange fur was bright in the sun. He began grooming Shadow'Paws fur, his tongue rasping over her still bloody fur. He snarled when anybody else even dared to take her away from him. Eventually, Shadow'Paws broken hind paw was fixed. He began grooming her again, lightly rasping his tongue over the now fixed hind paw that was originally broken. He sighed at the thought of her being hurt. He grabbed her scruff and began making sure she was breathing. He then heard Shadow'Paws raspy voice saying, "Wet'Paw... what happened?" Shadow'Paw asked, her voice dulled with tiredness. He then explained everything slowly to her, the fight, the murdering, the vet and the now fixed hind paw.

She didn't look bothered. She just sighed and leaned her head on him. She didn't want to try and run away right now... not when she was still tired from that fight. He knew that. That's why he waited for her. The Two-Legs eventually put them back into the monster again. It was almost moon-high, Wet'Paw could tell. They both fell asleep next to each other, black and ginger fur mangled together.

"I SWEAR TO STARCLAN IM GONNA KILL SOMEONE!" A giant black tabby roared in the forest to another, smaller, white she-cat. "Calm down, Dark'Star. You still have eight lives.. those two prophecy brats are gonna be dead by Sun-high, anyways." He growled. His mate and deputy rolled her eyes. "All we have to do is wait.. you know your the kin of  Shadow'Paw, right? And we have the power of DarkClan with us! Easy. They will be dead... eventually."

Shadow'Stars's Journey. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora