When I woke up, lights blinded me. I assumed I was in the hospital wing, no lights were brighter than the ones in there. I was sure I was dreaming because I saw my mom sleeping in the corner. "Mum?" I whispered. "What are you doing here?" Her eyes shot open and she got up immediately.

"She's awake!" I heard her shout. I saw a figure running toward the bed that I was laying on.

"Ron?" I smiled. "You look like you haven't slept in months,"

"That's because I haven't slept in months,"

"What do you mean?" he looked down. "Ron, what are you not telling me?"

"You've been out in a coma for 2 months," Madam Pompfrey interjected. Ron looked relieved that he didn't have to answer.

"W-what? W-why couldn't you magically wake me up?"

"It's dangerous, someone I know who works at Beauxbatons did it and the child died," she frowned and checked my vitals.

"Anna!" Ginny's voice came from the corner. Mum had brought the entire family into the hospital wing, including Bill and Charlie.

"Ginny!" I tried getting up to give my younger sister a hug but Madam Pompfrey suppressed me and said I couldn't get up yet. Instead I gave her a half hug from where I was laying.

"No more than 4 visitors, I don't want her getting overwhelmed!" Madam Pompfrey yelled at my giant family. Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny stayed behind while the others left. I propped myself up against the headboard.

"Um, so what happened yesterd— I mean two months ago..."

"You fell down the stairs face first and the impact caused you to go into a coma," George explained.

"That sounds like it hurt," I said.

"Do you not remember?" Ron asked.

"Come to think of it, no," I shrugged. "But why is the whole family here, specifically Bill and Charlie,"

"Mum guilted them into coming, same thing with Percy," Fred explained.

"I figured, hey um can I ask you guys something? Mainly Fred, George and Ron, but if you want to respond you can too, Gin," I said

"Sure," Ron, Fred and George said.

"You didn't... beat yourself up about it, did you? It's not your fault at all, it's mine for being such a clutz," I asked. All three of them looked down. "Well I guess I have my answer, you three go to sleep you look like you haven't slept in years, and now that I'm awake you can go to sleep. Ginny you stay here," I waited for the three of them to leave and then I asked Ginny a question. "This is gonna sound odd, but do you happen to know if Draco visited?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah he visits every week, when we're not here of course," Ginny rolled her eyes.

I nodded. "So, have you met Harry Potter?" She blushed a deep shade of red. "Merlin's beard! You fancy him!" I yelled and then whispered in case of eavesdroppers. "I mean, he is kinda cute, but not my type," I shrugged.

"Okay," she rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna go, have fun with mum and dad!"

"Don't remind me," I mumbled. I got up from the hospital bed since Madam Pompfrey was out of sight and when I got up, I lost my balance and sat back down. I groaned and tried getting up again. This time I was able to walk a few feet before losing balance and flopping back on the hospital bed.

"Anna! Dear me! Get back in the bed!" my mum shouted when she saw that I was getting up for the third time. I groaned and sat back down. I moved my dark hair so that it was displayed in front of me and started braiding it, one of my nervous habits. "Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!" She pulled me into a tight hug despite my reluctance. My eyes found Bill and Charlie, help me I mouthed. They just chuckled while I sent them a glare. When the hug ended I got up (despite my mothers scolding) and ran to Charlie, who I hadn't seen in a year.

"Hey Anna! You were so tall when I last saw you. You shrunk." I hit his head playfully and gave him a small quick hug. Then I fell to the ground.

"I'm okay! I'm okay! I kind of forgot how to balance," I got up and sat back down on the bed.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Anna," my dad said. Mum nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah yeah yeah, when can I get into my robes and leave? This place is awful," I said. I did not want to be in the presence of my parents, and I would do anything to leave.

"You can leave when you want to," Madam Pompfrey said. "Your vitals are normal and everything looks healthy, but make sure to report back if anything's wrong." She flicked her wand at me and my gross hospital gown was replaced with Slytherin robes. I smiled, content now.

"Well, I think I'll leave now, love you, bye," I got up and saw a figure in the entrance to the hospital wing. "Draco!" I ran to him and gave him a giant hug (even though he looked like he didn't want to be there). I could feel my family's gaze burning through my back but I didn't care and Draco and I left for the common room.

When we got back, Crabbe started talking to me, "Oh it's so good your back, Draco's been miserable without you!" I laughed when Draco slapped him in the face.

"Aw you missed me," I pinched Draco's cheeks and shook his head like a baby.

"No, they're obviously lying," he moved away from me.

"Mhm, sure," we sat down on the couch and caught up. "So how much work did I miss?"

"A lot, but I think the teachers are going to excuse you from it, or I'll ask my father to reason with them."

"No, you don't have to do that, I can catch up on my own if I have to," he rolled his eyes at me. "How were the holidays? I know they were two months ago but it still feels like they were yesterday..." I trailed off.

"They were... okay, I still wish you accepted my invite, it would've been way better if you were there, plus you wouldn't have fallen down those stairs," he snarled.

"You know my parents would've said no, they would've been all like, 'a weekend at the Malfoy's? just because you're a Slytherin doesn't mean you can hang out with them'," I did my greatest impression of my mum and we laughed together.

"Well, how were your three days of the holidays?" Draco asked.

"They weren't too bad, until the end, obviously," I was tempted to tell him about the Legilimencey thing but decided to keep it a secret, for now.

"Huh, didn't think you'd have fun with Pottah and your blood traitor family," he remarked.

"Hey! That's not fair, I had more fun with my blood traitor family than you did with your pure blood family," I said in a mocking tone. He glowered at me in response. "It's the truth," he punched me lightly in the shoulder. "Well on that note, I'm gonna go to sleep."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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