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(No One's POV)

"Thank you my dear for Inviting me for coffee!" The Radio Demon's voice came from Marie's room. "It has been a long time since me and you had a sit-down one-to-one."

She nodded her head. Marie could only focus when Alastor was around. He just had this control that allowed her to focus and not have her mind run away with cleaning. That may be why she has a lot of art of him. The Hentai that she drew of him. She was a very good artist and was good at what she did. She also had just as much of Hentai of Vox. And even some of Hentai of Vox X Alastor. Yes, most of the time Alastor was at the bottom~

Now she won't lie...some of it was uh...some of it was her art for commissions- look, she hit it bad when Alastor suddenly up and left her, she had to make a living somehow. She wasn't proud of it- she hoped he would never find it- she could only imagine the hell she'd get-

"Yeah- it's been too long- WAIT!" she rushed behind to find a pillow. "Okay, sit, sit. It's all good. I don't want any creases on this pillow. Very special." She said as he sat down and she sat down across from him with a smile.

"Ah, you are always a treat Marie." He says as she sat down. "So what have you been doing these past years? Staying out of trouble I hope,"

She blushed she could not tell him that it was her online job of posting smut of Overlords. Luckily Alastor would never see her online activity but the hard copies on paper were something she must protect at ALL Costs. He could find those! She would just die!

"Oh well you know me hehehe I try- but trouble finds me- I did what I had to do to survive." She laughed nervously as she fumbled with her cup of hot chocolate.

"Hmmmmmm, what was this thing you had to do to survive?" He asks. "You have made me curious."

Marie stopped. "You haven't been..engaging with..well, you know." He didn't have to say what he was asking.

"No! No no no no. I'm not like that, come on, you know me." She laughed though her face was red at the idea of men wanting her like that~

"No no no I had to take up art."

"Splendid! I knew you used to love to do that but you kind of fell off it! May I see some of your works?" He asks.

"NO!" She screamed and almost spilled her hot chocolate

She then stopped and giggled. "No no no. It's private works- very private works." Marie insisted before she went to grab her hot chocolate, spilling it. And of course, she immediately had to run off downstairs to get cleaning supplies as Alastor stood there in her room and looked around before going through her room.

Not searching really, But he did find a drawing book, and inside were some drawings of native hell flowers and a few couples holding hands or showing affection in other ways and whatnot. He couldn't understand why she'd hide this from him.

That was until he found another drawing book and his radio static cut it was a very intimate picture of himself, vox, and even some with Vox fucking him!

Not only was it that insecure show pony fucking him, with him being on the bottom - but it was quite explicit.

He could faintly hear her scuttling through his static and her muttering about needing to clean as she opened the door and just stared in pure horror.

(Alastor's POV)

Marie looked at me in pure horror as I was ready to rip the book apart. She slowly walks up to me.

"A-Alastor?" She asks slowly.

I took a deep breath as I shut the book fast.

"My dear, tell me.." I started as she looked up at me. "Is this what you've been doing while I was gone?" I asked, and I think she knew I was not in a laughing sort of mood.

"I-I..oh master I'm sorry!" She said as her eyes filled with tears. "I-I didn't want to- I-I just needed money and the people who requested that nasty stuff paid so so much and I mean after you left I didn't have a home or- or work- and, I didn't know where Husker was- I didn't have much of a choice. Please don't hate me!" She sobbed.

"Well, it is a good thing I am back, so you can stop drawing such filth!" Alastor laughs and puts the book away. "Be a dear and burn those, the one of me and the toaster!"

I was pretty upset by this, but, I'd rather not scare her off. She was by far the most eagerly loyal soul I have.

" I have to burn the whole book?" "Marie, darling. If you don't burn it I will. I will not have you disrespecting me or my image again, and should you do as such again, I will break your hands to ensure you don't pull a stunt like that again" I stressed at the end, getting in her space as she stepped back, promising to do as such.

I could tell even she was serious, not even making a joke about how she's been bad.

Now I wasn't always that aware of others' feelings- well, I was, I just didn't care. Usually, if anything I find them amusing.

But seeing her so upset made me feel..upset as well. I didn't like that feeling.

I sighed and bent down to pick her up in my arms as she was holding back tears.

(I mean like pain for her is great, but at the same time pain for the sake of pleasure is very different, I also feel it's her respect for Alastor and viewing him partially

Partially as an authority figure sort of triggers that sense of crying. Like when a parent says you've disappointed them or they're angry at you. It's that sensitivity to authority that I have. And the fact he's serious too.))


"I-I did-didn't mean t-to make you mad!" She cries out trying to hold back tears. "I-I'm s-so sorry!"

I stroke her hair and let her cry about it. I will comfort her of course!

"Yes yes I can tell. Come on darling, you'll ruin your makeup." I said as I summoned a handkerchief she grabbed it and wiped her face as I sighed.

Sometimes I forget that when she wasn't as manic as she normally was, she can be incredibly sensitive. Trying to find a balance for hee can be difficult.

"Please don't hate m-me!" She cries out even more and I tell her I do not hate her, just did not like being drawn like that!

Eventually she calmed down enough as she rubbed her face into my suit jacket.

I will Say as unpleasant as her crying was, I felt it brought us closer.

I held her close and started to hum an old song, never fully dressed without a smile. She sighed and laid her head on my chest

At the very least, it was easy to control her emotions, j could handle it. I suppose it's something I'm signing up for now that I'm pursuing her.

"Better now darling?"

"Y-yeah.." she muttered.

"Good girl," I say and set her down. "Now let's finish our drinks!"

She nodded and we continued drinking our drinks as she now seemed a bit on edge.

However, after a little while she seemed back to her normal self.

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