Chapter 4: Confession?

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"Y/n, I..." Niki seemed to not be able to get his words out, so I finished for him.

"You came here to tell me being kind to me for like 2 days was a bet?"

"Huh?" Niki seems genuinely confused, but I didn't care.

"You were being kind to me for a bet, right? It didn't last very long."

"No, no... I didn't come here to tell you that, and what? Being kind to you wasn't a bet?"

"Yes, it was. Your never nice to me unless you want something or just being a complete asshole." I scoff and lean against the door.

"No, I came here to tell you that... I... like... I came here to tell you that I'm sorry for your mum... being in the hospital..."


Shit... this happens everytime, every time I try to confess, something else always slips out.

"Uh... thanks... I guess?" She seemed a bit confused, I would be to.

"Did you only come over to say your sorry for my mum being involved in a car accident?" She made an annoyed face, I would as well. I wasted her time.

"I'm sorry, I should've just texted you." But I didn't want to, I wanted to see her in person.

"Ok, thanks, but your wasting my time." She was confused, and also annoyed.

"Wait - that's not all-" I get cut off by her pushing me out and shutting the door. She was angry, does she really think being kind to her was a bet? I don't want her to think that.

I start to walk home, but as I do, I get a call from Heeseung.

Dude, did you confess?

No, I messed up, again...

Seriously? Again

Yes, I keep messing up my words, and say different things. I can't confess to her, I'm too scared. Every time I'm near her I just get too nervous to speak.

But didn't you always make fun of her?

That's different, when I'm trying to confess I just get overwhelmed and say the opposite of what I was actually going to say.

You'll get it one day, I believe you.


The call ended. He was right. I need to pull my head out of my ass and confess to her one day! But I can't pull myself to... Whenever I try, her beautiful, big eyes look into mine, and I get so scared... What if she doesn't like me back... Ugh. Who am I to even think she likes me.

I promise myself, I will confess to her one day, and hopefully that's soon.

I finally realise that I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't know I walked right past my house.

"Oh shit." I run back to it and close the door after me.

When should I confess to her? Tomorrow? In a week? When we are alone? When we are on another camp? When she finally trusts me? Or should I wait for her to confess to me...

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