Chapter 1

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Mallika's POV

(POV=Point of view)

Someone: Please leave me Queen. Have some mercy on me.

The voice of a man echoed in my basement. The echo was soon followed by a powerful and psychopathic laughter. Obviously that was mine. 

Mal: Spare your life?

I said in a raspy tone.

Someone: Yes please I have a wife and kid.

He begged.

Mal: And I have no husband and kid.

I said and pulled the trigger.

The mafia calls me Queen. Mercy that's the one main thing I don't have. The world thinks. And that's true. Every mafia leader in the world fears me. May be I am female. But they all know my viciousness. They fear me exactly because I am a female. A female who became a quite dangerous and reputed leader. 

Mal:  Ugh! I have blood all over me. 

I said taking off my clothes and went to bathroom to take a shower. After taking my bath I wore my black dress and went in my office room.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door.

Mal: Come in.

I instructed in cold tone. The door opened and one of my men named Sahil walked in.

Sah: Queen we have found Mr. Sinha.

I pushed my back into my chair feeling comfortable.

Mal:  Hmm. Where is he?

I said looking at him coldly.

Sah: At the office.

He responded.

Mal: I want him here in next 1 hour.

I ordered. He bowed and went. Someone knocked gain.

Mal: Come in.

I ordered with frustration filled in my tone. Raghav came in. He is my personal bodyguard and a men from my mafia.

Rag: Queen, Mahesh was arrested today morning. Charged for murder and selling drugs. The police knew he is a part of mafia.

Mal: Was he involved?

I asked.

Rag: No Queen. Mahesh was not a traitor. He has a family Queen. He wouldn't dare to cross us like that and put the mafia at risk.

Mal: Then tell the detective he has the wrong man and get him out.

I growled annoyed as why as to Raghav can't handle it to himself.

Rag: Queen, it's a women and she refuses to conduct any further investigation. Something about Mahesh's DNA found on the victim's body. It's a setup Queen.

Mal: Those fuckers know we are this close to taking over. They are trying to frame us for the drugs they are making.

I growled. This will not be a big problem if we handle it right now. We just had to play the right cards. 

Mal: Raghav, get the detective to the basement. She and I need a talk.

I smirked. The world was finally gonna know what happens when they mess with the Queen.

God! This is getting on my nerves now. The longer this thing stretches, the worst is going to happen. It took us eight years to build mafia. Fighting the underground system, forming connections, finding people, the money. All of it will be for nothing if Mahesh doesn't get free soon.

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