23. the school.

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Micheal POV

Few days later at school everyone had heard what happened to Tatiana.


“Where have you been Micheal?” My mom asked taking me in.

She held my head as my father angrily approached.

“Do you have any idea what time it is? You can’t just ignore us and come back at this time!” He yelled.

“Keep your voice down, you’ll wake Morgan up.” I say moving past them.

“What happened to you-my goodness! Your hands! Micheal whose blood is that?” My mom asks holding my hand.

“It’s Tatiana’s.” I say.

“And why do you have her blood on your hands?” Father asks.

“Don’t fucking ask like you care! You are part of the entire fucking problem, we’re in this mess because you let Marcus’s parents control your judgement instead of growing the hell up and being your own people.” I say scoffing and removing her hands.

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“She got stabbed at her place, me, Marcus and her parents found her on the ground laying in a pool of her own blood. And you know what? That’s nothing compared to all the shit that everyone at school’s been giving her, even parents at your big age.” I say leaving them.

-end of flashback-

And because of that the school decided to hold an assembly, the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard.

All students please make your way to the auditorium. All students.

I rolled my eyes at the announcement. No one here even cares. Hell I know even the parents are a bit happy, and that’s why they decided to come.

Marcus and I sat behind Margo and Salma since they were the only two people who actually knew Tatiana, they were asked to speak.

The headmaster went on stage, the parent alumni board sat right behind him. My parents, Marcus’s parents, Sabrina’s and Dougy’s too.

“Morning students today I’m sure you’re all well aware of the news that spread, that a student of ours has been struck again by the killer. Ms Tatiana Jordan.” He says solemnly.

He almost seemed genuine, however the snickers that rippled through the crowd sent me on edge.

I got out of my chair and marched onto the stage.

“Mr James?”

I snatched the mic before peering into the souls of my classmates.


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