24. the speech.

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Michael POV

“You all are fucking disgusting.” They gasped as if it were a lie.

“You sit there fucking making jokes about someone who got stabbed, in her own backyard by the same person who killed Sabrina, the same person who killed Doug and the very same person who could’ve come after you next. But maybe the color of her skin made you forget she shed the exact same blood as those two.”

“I may not have known her well which is a fault on my part but from the short time I have known her, she was an inspiration. She came to this school every fucking day, took all of your bullshit because you’re all insecure mindless fucks who couldn’t develop your own cognitive thinking and see she was a good person. She was an amazing person, she shined.”

“She was three times the person any of you will ever amount to be. She didn’t deserve anything we gave her, she worked hard, she earned everything including her place her while what? Sabrina’s mom slept with Marcus’s dad hmm?” I say and gasps rippled through the air.

“I’m sorry man but fuck all of you thinking you have the nerve to act like you’re better than anyone, when you know everything you’ve done to get to where you are and what sick shit you’ll do to stay there.” I say shoving the mic back into the headmaster’s hands and leaving the room.

I heard footsteps behind me and saw my friends.

“That was so fucking cool.” Margo said jumping in excitement.

“It really was.” Mark said.

“I’m sorry about that.” I tell him.

“Nah I knew and they both deserved to be shamed like that.” He says playfully punching my shoulder.

“You guys wanna go to the hospital?” I ask and they nod.

“Let’s get food first.” Sal says and her stomach rumbles in agreement.

We laugh as we hop into my truck.


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