Chapter 1: The Meeting

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Location: Monsa Headquarters

Time:2:45 pm

"There's no way in hell that I'm marrying that bastard, I don't care how much our family needs this stupid arrangement!" A voice rang out echoing around the mostly empty room while Azar, the current head of the Monsa Clan, sighed deeply resting his head on his hand as he watched his son pace back and forth muttering angrily under his breath.

"Just listen..I understand your feelings towards..them..but this is very important and beneficial for both of our groups. Were the top two mafia clans in this side of New York, they control the transports that come in and out of the city on land, sea, and by air." Azar responded in a calm monotone voice as he looked at his son making him stop in his tracks, a small frown on his face as he listened quietly. "We control the hospitals..all the medical teams and police departments, that's what keeps us at the top, you understand that right soren?.." Azar continues as Soren sighed, a sound coming deep from his chest and nods slowly. 

"yea..I do, but you know our history and I'd like to keep my blood inside my body and not splattered across the pavement" Soren said keeping the frown on his face before his father chuckled softly as his gloominess. "I'm aware, but times change and so do people, it wouldn't hurt to just come to the meeting" he suggested with a gentle smile hoping to persuade his stubborn son to cooperate. "Yes it would.." He mumbles as he glances at his father before sighing slipping his hands into his pockets and responds, "fine..fine..but don't expect me to be nice." Azar smiles and nods before they left their meeting room and took the elevator down to the ground floor, and got into a sleek black short limo heading to their next destination.


Location:Dracon Headquarters


Across the city Ciel was fighting with his son who refused to leave his room. "You're acting like a damn child. Get out here, now." He banged his fist on the door once..twice.. Before the door swung open with force as his son glared back at him, his gaze cold and annoyed. The air between them crackled with tension before Ciel spoke again, his voice a strained form of calm "thank you. Now fix your hair and make yourself presentable. I refuse to have my son look like a homeless slob." Liam bit his tongue holding back a snappy comeback and simply nodded closing the door. 

"FUCK!" He growled out in frustration as he slammed his fist into the wall adding to the many holes scattered across it, before letting out an annoyed sigh running his fingers through his long hair closing his eyes to take a few calming breaths. Him and his father were like strangers only connected by blood and last name, the hatred for each other ran skin deep. He took a moment before going and pulling on a nice black dress shirt and tucked it into his dress pants, lacing up his black combat boots, before standing in front of the mirror pulling his long black hair into a more professional half bun. 

Liam looked nothing like his father, but looked more like his mother with his fair porcelain skin and sharp blue eyes as dark as a stormy sea, he also had her freckles that littered across his face like stars in the night sky. Like his mother he was tall around 6' and slim with a wispy waist and faint muscles that he's worked on for the last few years. The only thing that he had from his father was his explosive attitude but still kept his mother's gentle nature in mind.

After calming his mind Liam grabbed and put on a silver watch and gold chain necklace he got from his mother before walking out of his room and went down getting in the car with his father. "Took you long enough. What'd you have to do, put on some makeup to fix your ghastly complexion?" Ciel growled but Liam ignored it staring out the window pulling his headphones on to down out his crude words.

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