Chapter 3:Questions

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Location:The Thorn Penthouse

Time:12:43 P.M.

As the sun shined lightly through the curtains, they beams of light gently surrounded liam making his porcelain like skin glow in a warm tone, his room was a mess from his drunken stumbles last night and it wasn't long before the shrill ringing of his alarm awoke him from his peaceful slumber with a low groan. It took a couple tries of missed swings before he managed to stop the shill sound before he sighed rubbing his face sitting up slowly, he winced softly feeling the dull throb in his head from a growing hangover and bright sun. “hell..what time is it, the sun shouldn't be this bright” He mumbled to himself as he reached and grabbed his phone from where it fell on the floor in his sleep before his eyes widened in shock

"twelve forty-three?? Fuuuck” He groaned loudly before stumbling out of bed detangling himself from the warm blankets before throwing himself into the shower letting the cold water wake him up fully and sober up quickly. After a few moments he got out and pulled a towel around his waist taking his time to dry his hair before wiping the fog from the mirror cringing at the puffiness around his eyes.

What a mess..” he muttered quietly to his reflection before he went back into his room digging through his closet thinking about what he saw last night between Soren and the blond girl, before wincing, holding his head and sighing. “Idiot..”  he mumbled before pulling on a black v-neck top and dark blue jeans before heading to the kitchen checking his phone, almost dropping his glass he just filled when he saw the most recent text he got was from an unknown number, but he knew who it was. ‘Her eyes aren't the right blue, to bright compared to your ocean eyes’ 

Liam felt his heart jump into his throat as he read it over and over again before he had to set his phone on the counter to try and still his shaking hands, balling them into fists as he tried a few calming breaths feeling a clench in his chest hitching his breathing. It took some time before he was finally calm again and downed a glass of water and some pain medication before sitting on one of the bar stools at the counter staring at his phone thinking.

Liam POV:

He couldn't have meant that right? The idiot probably was just extremely drunk and not thinking before he hit send..right? So many thoughts started rushing through my mind of all the possible scenarios that could have played out that night, and what even possessed him to send something like that. If we didn't hate each other's guts I would have thought it was a sweet attempt to patch what we broke, but seeing how it is now it seems it was an attempt to make me jealous. Why would I even care enough to be jealous of some bleached blond? Why should i be jealous that she's the one he chose to take to a private room, and she's the one who gets to be close to him..really close..she gets to touch those defined muscles and listen to his heartbeat as the cuddle after-

no. No no no. get those disgusting thoughts from your head.” I growled to myself shaking my head as if trying to chase away the thoughts that had crept into my mind. I shouldn't think about that or him, not with his disgusting choice he made all those years ago, it's his fault anyways that the father of the boy he was getting cozy with, had caught them so quickly, Soren wasn't exactly the discrete type of person to begin with. I sighed and raked my fingers back through my hair taking a second to soothe my mind before getting up to go properly start my day and forget about this momentary lapse in focus.


Location:Soren’s apartment

Time:1:23 pm

Soren POV:

TW:suggestive themes

I awoke later than I expected as my phone rang with missed calls from my dad and a few friends that I had taken to the club with me. I shot off a quick text to let them know I was alive and not cause a panic, last night was a blur of burning alcohol and mixed smells of perfume and cologne leaving me with a pounding headache. I wasn't surprised to see lola still here as she smiled sweetly coming into my room with a tray of food and some hangover medicine. “Well look who finally rose from the dead~” Her sickly sweet voice only made the headache worse but I put on a coy smile, softly muttering words of apology before poking at the food she gave me, I'm pretty sure I saw it wink at me. But for sake and mine I pushed through and ate it much to her delight and she left the room to do god knows what. Usually whenever I brought someone back they'd be gone before I woke up or I'd have to kick them out reminding them of my “no feelings involved” policy, but when it came to Lola it was a different story.

Lola was the daughter of another arrival group that had close connections with ours, so of course I had to tread lightly in order to prevent a possible war from breaking out. Her family dealt with the water supplies and were also one of the main groups who controlled travel and trade by sea due to their connection to the water, most people who thought they were weak were quickly shut down or never heard from again, there had been many cases of strange drownings and frozen bodies that made me shiver. So in order to keep my life and safety I would just play along with her whenever she came to me when she was lonely or sad.

It was annoying but there wasn't much I could do. I rose from my bed with a groan stretching out my sore muscles wincing at a few mew scratches on my back and shoulders. I wish she’d stop getting those damn manicures as they tore up my back every single time, I sighed before making my way into the bathroom and switching on the hot water in the shower.

 It didn't take long for lola to slink in after me, pressing her body against my back with her arms around my waist, tracing patterns on my chest with those godforsaken nails as the hot water ran over us fogging up the bathroom quickly. I sighed softly leaning into the touch feeling my muscles start to relax under her gentle touches as she placed soft kisses along my shoulder. “Lola..” I started before she huffed interrupting me quickly.“Yea yea i know, no feelings for mister tall dark and handsome, but come's me~ can't you make an exception~”

She purred out against my skin making me sigh and turn to face her as she batted her eyelashes sweetly hoping to sway my decision  “No, if I made an exception for you then I'd have to make an exception for every desperate sl-..every desperate person who wishes to get closer for whatever reason. So I'm sorry, but it's still a no..” I replied calmly as her smile slowly dropped into a small frown as I felt the water suddenly get cold as if reacting to her emotions as she snapped at me slightly,

Fine. not like i care anyways jerk.” ‘here we go again’ i held back from rolling my eyes knowing it's only upset her more so i grabbed her wrist lightly as she turned to walk out of the shower and pulled her flush against my form and kissed her softly making her instantly blush and giggle smiling once again before she left, what a pain in the ass. Soon after I got out of the shower she left for a little meetup with her girls to gossip and spend their daddies money,they were all spoiled brats.  I sighed deeply, rubbing my face lightly before checking my phone only to freeze seeing my messages were already opened and I groaned realizing I drunk texted someone. I couldn't think at first but soon it registered just whose number I texted.

I swiped it from my dad during the meeting planning on screwing with him a bit, but I guess my drunken mind had beat me to the chase. “God damnit..and it's marked read as lovely.” I mumbled before shaking my head, tossing my phone onto the bed. I'd leave that problem for future me before I laid back down burying my face in a pillow with a deep sigh letting sweet sweet sleep envelop me once again.

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