Chapter 2: The aftermath

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Location:unnamed club

Time:9:37 pm. 

3rd person POV:

The meeting hung heavily on Liams mind after the families parted ways to attend to other matters. His father went off to join in a few other business meetings leaving him home alone in the empty quiet penthouse, he couldn't take it any longer so he snatched up his car keys and drove off into the neon lights of downtown new york with all the shopping districts and other markets that only lurked in the night. He soon pulled up and parked at a curb before flashing his ID.

Being let in without question due to his status was a regular occurrence, the club was loud and upbeat with pounding beats coming from all corners and strobing neon lights feeding into the chaotic nature. Some people lounged around by the bar drinking and laughing or just looking for a cheap one night stand, others lurked in the dark cushioned corners of vip areas lost in their own minds surrounded by wispy clouds of smoke.

 The smell of cheap cologne and the throb of moving bodies around him as he slid through the crowd on the dancefloor felled him with a sense of calm in a way. He quietly made his way over to the bar giving the other patrons a once over before waving the bartender down who simply nodded and slid a low glass filled with amber liquid over to him before he placed a few bills down sipping his drink, it burned down his throat before leaving a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach chasing off the stress and annoyance from the day. He sighed leaning back letting the alcohol take its effect.

As his sharp blue eyes trailed slowly across the moving bodies of the club, he wasn't sure what he was looking for but anything would be a welcome distraction to his busy mind. It wasn't long before his wandering eyes locked on dark red hair and cold eyes locked on him as well from across the room, his breath hitched in his throat as those steely gray eyes stared deep into his as if trying to look into his soul before they finally looked away making him release a breath he didn't realize he was holding. 

Liam POV:

You've gotta be kidding me..” I couldn't help but mutter to myself as I turned my back to the room slowly releasing my white knuckled grip on my glass to put it down. “Of all the people in a place like this, of course it's him.” My grumbles of annoyance drew a sympathetic look from the bartender as he refilled my glass, “i'm sure he didn't see ya liam,  he's only ever here for a cheap girl and cheap alchohol.” he said in his usual husky and hushed tone, laying a firm warm hand on my shoulder sending a warm shiver down my spine.

"Yea, maybe you're right..thanks al” I said calming down and he smiled lightly with a small nod before going back to serving the other intoxicated patrons. Al’s always been a bit soft on me for as long as i can remember when i first came with my dad to his meetings here, al was always there to keep me entertained while the adults talked, and now here i was sitting by myself now the adult.

3rd person POV:

A deep sigh left liam as he partly zones out staring into the club's ever growing crowd, while across the room the owner of those steel gray eyes couldn't hide his smirk. Soren took a swig from his opened bottle of beer as he listened to some girl chatter as they stood around him vying for his attention, but his mind was elsewhere taken over by those stormy blue eyes. “Come on haven't even once looked at us tonight.”, A sweet voice chirped in his ear with a pout, drawing him back to the present as he met the owner of the voice and her baby blue eyes.

So annoying.. Soren couldn't help but think but the words that left him were different as he snagged an arm around the petite girl's waist making her giggle and smile. “Now now lola, you know you're the only one on my mind~” His baritone voice came out as a low rumble as he whispered softly in her ear making the other girls pout glaring at the girl known as lola with jealousy. 

After a moment his mind drifted off again as lola gossiped idly with her crew tracing patterns on his chest with her sharp manicured nails before he froze as dark eyes met light eyes from across the room once again. He felt like he couldn't look away from them as his heart jumped to his throat as they seemed to be searching his gaze for something unknown to him, before a loud sigh drew his attention away once again back to Lola who smiled innocently.

He sighed a bit feeling her claws trace her jawline and slightly leaned into the touch, closing his eyes as she whispered something into his ear, making heat rush down and his pants tighten in response. It didn't take long for them to find their way to a private room leaving the thumping music behind as the door closed with a click behind them, leaving them to do their bidding undisturbed, and before he realized it Liam winces feeing sharp glass cut into his palm as he looks down at the now shattered glass on the bar counter

"Shit..I'm sorry al.." He mumbles in a regretful tone as al sighs cleaning up the mess and takes his hand carefully cleaning the blood and glass from the nasty cut. "Its alright kid..I'd react the same way..they won't be in there long anyways..she's to noisy for his taste.." Al said with a plaful wink making Liam crack a small smile as he flexed his newly bandaged hand with a small wince "thanks again all..I don't know what I'd do without you.." He said as he and al shared a laugh pouring him a new drink before al responded, "you'd probably kill someone by now.." Liam snorted and nods sipping his new drink tenderly as he lost himself in a random conversation with al as he fluttered back and forth between him and the other patrons.

It was enough to keep him distracted for the next few hours as any thoughts of soren and his stupidly handsome face flew away along with his soberness as he downed drink after drink before al cut him off and sent him home in a cab to sober up or sleep it off. As soon as he arrived back at the penthouse he flopped onto the soft mattress in his room with a light groan, slowly burrowing his way under the soft blankets until he was surrounded like a cocoon before dozing off just as he revived a text. 'I'll deal with it in the morning..' He thought to himself before drifting off into a quiet and much needed sleep. 

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