Chapter 4:Sour Candy

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date:7/18/24(2 weeks later)

location:Columbia University

Time:12:55 pm

TW:homophobic slurs, violence If Soren clicked his pen one more time, liam swore he was gonna set him on fire, it was bad enough that they were being forced to marry each other in a business deal but now they went to the same college. But to make it even worse Soren had decided to sit in the row right behind him, of all the open spots he decided to sit there slowly driving him crazy with every click of his pen, and Soren took pride knowing what he was doing to Liam. He was just doing it to spite liam and was enjoying every second of it as Liams attention was split between the professors droning lesson and persistent clicking behind him before he finally snapped and turned in his chair glaring up at the row a bit higher up behind him as he whispered sharply, "click that pen one more time and i swear i'm gonna shove it up where the sun doesn't shine." That made sorens signature shit eating grin spread across his lips as he leaned back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest before responding in a smooth and teasing tone, "oh?~ didn't take you as the kinky type sunshine~ were in class dontcha know?~"

His response made a violent flush spread across Liam's face as it covered his cheeks and even the tips of his ears before he growled glaring at him. "Shut the hell up. Of course a fucking degenerate like you would enjoy something like that." He snapped sharply making soren flinch subtly, his grin falling slightly. "Degenerate? Is that the best you can really come up with, how original.." He glared right back replying in a low challenging tone as Liam started his low toned slew of insults. "You want me to be more original? Fine. You're a slow thinking, pillow biting, switch hitter." Liam growled, taking a breath before continuing as a few people started to notice the tension at the back of the classroom,

"to put it in terms you can understand, your about as sharp as a sack of soup and your train of thought is a replacement bus service. And you wanna know something?" Soren was starting to get pissed as his eye twitched, but before he could cut in liam continued in one long breath, "If i wanted to kill myself id climb your ego and jump to your IQ. Bless your little heart..maybe you should spend less time at the gym and more time on your personality. And on another note I'd love to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass."

A few laughs were drawn from the mouths of students around them, making Soren's neck flush in anger as they held their breaths waiting for his response as Liam watched with a smirk crossing his arms over his chest. "You really wanna play the insult game with me, pendejo? Fine. Let's play. Your personality is about as interesting as watching paint dry. You're as bright as a black hole, and twice as dense. But y'know it's so cute when you try walking about things you don't understand~ But there's more, you say i'm the pillow biter yet you're the one who can't keep his eyes off of me, im sure youd burn a hole in my pants with how hard you stare. One last thing, at least I'm not a small dicked loser who spends all his daddy's money on shit to make me feel better." A hush fully fell over the class as all eyes locked on liam for his response.

He was visibly shaking in anger before he released a soft shaky breath closing his eyes taking his glasses off before opening his eyes again as the blue turned to a fiery red as the words left his mouth before he could stop them. "At least i'm not a fag." He regretted those words as soon as they left his mouth as an audible gasp left the crowd watching the pair and Soren's eyes widened in shock before lowering into deadly slits as he stood up, his eyes flashing green making Liam tense up knowing he screwed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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