Ch. 01 - 50

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Chapter 1: Fairy Planet

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

March 11, Year 2038

This was a day that people on Earth would never forget. On this day, another planet suddenly appeared beside the Earth. The new planet revolved both around the Sun and on its own axis in exactly the same manner as the Earth. It was also a planet most likely inhabited by forms of life.

The solar system’s new addition was much closer to the Earth compared to Mars. Mars had originally been the fourth planet of the Solar System, but after the new planet’s addition, it was now the fifth one.

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The appearance of the new planet prompted almost every capable country to send out its most powerful aerospace expedition teams and scientists to explore it.

One year later, after the lives of many astronauts and scientists had been sacrificed, it was proven that the new planet did indeed contain forms of life.

This new planet, which was Earth’s latest neighbor, was very close to Earth. To reach the planet, one simply needed to take a quantum space plane and pass through the atmosphere.

China’s quantum space plane technology had matured four years ago, so it could now reach a speed nearly 60 times the speed of sound.

The reason many astronauts and scientists had lost their lives was the weird nature of the planet. There was a specific entry point that one had to go through. If one did not enter through that specific point, they would be crushed by a mysterious force.

That mysterious force, which was very strange, was akin to a magnetic field. Although the new planet was very close to Earth, the two planets were kept apart by this mysterious force.

The first humans to land on the planet were the scientists from China. They were also the ones who discovered the secret to the entrance of the planet.

It was rumored that, apart from the greenery that greeted one upon entry, the most attractive characteristic of the planet was a half-fallen fairy statue. As a result, the planet had been named the Fairy Planet.


Chapter 2: Which Young Man Isn’t Sentimental
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At the school gate of Pearl College, a teenager wearing green casual clothes was waiting expectantly, staring at the school gate. When the music that announced the end of class was heard, the school gates opened and a group of young men and women rushed out of the gate.

The teenager in the green clothes stared in admiration at the group of young men and women rushing out of the school gate. He instantly hid his admiration and continued his search among the crowd.

A moment later, the teenager’s eyes lit up. He walked quickly towards a teenage girl in a purple flowery dress and handed her a flower bouquet. “Man Man, this is for you,” he told her.

The teenage girl paused for a moment. Her smooth white skin looked like milk. As she looked up at the teenager, her beautiful complexion made everyone around her pale in comparison. Saying that she stood out from the crowd would be an understatement. However, as the teenage girl stood there, every other young man and woman around seemed to lose their youthful radiance.

Even though she looked like a young adolescent, her body had a perfect outline. One could imagine how brilliant she would look a few years later. Everyone at college knew who she was. She was Zhen Man, the most beautiful girl in Pearl City.

Zhen Man looked at the teenager who was madly in love with her. She did not accept the flowers he was holding in his hand. She remained silent for over 10 seconds before she eventually said gently, “I have just stepped into the Martial Knight realm, Di Jiu 1 . I will be leaving the Ji Nation soon. Take good care of yourself. We shall meet again in the future if fate wants us to.”

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