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Izuku shot upwards from his slumped state gasping for air as memories burned through his mind. A man in a tunic and robes, a space ship, his mandalorian brethren. None of it was clear enough for him to tell what he was being shown, neither was is clear what was showing him these faint moments in time.

He could never recall specific details from before he was found, severely injured, by the Mandalorians when they liberated Corellia from the Republic turned Empire's troops.

He did remember one thing though. His mother. Inko, he remembered her sorrowful smile "come back to earth someday" she said as he walked in the other direction. He never knew why this was, and he was tormented in his dreams every night as he tried and failed again and again to stop walking away. To just turn around and give her a hug.

What would she think if she saw him now? Earth had no public relations with spacefaring civilizations spare a few instances of crash landings or "UFOs" that were simply colonizers, fugitives, or the bounty hunters after them. Izuku felt a sense of security in knowing that, of the 3 groups that would typically happen to land on this godforsaken rock, he was in the least distasteful of them. That said, though the Empire was much more lax towards bounty hunting who knew how it was perceived on earth.

Izuku was stressing out internally as he carefully stationed his ship to orbit the planet, boarding one of the smaller landing crafts with all his gear, and firing himself off towards the surface.

"Quirks... World War 3... Amazon Prime+ Max... hmmm interesting planet. First order of business is to get a 'heroes license' don't know why you need a license to help people but meh" Izuku said as he sifted through the public data on the planet. He engaged the cloaking device on his craft and set the autopilot to set down in the woods nearby Musutafu and sat back, sliding his helmet over his head before buckling in. "Musutafu... from what I can tell this is where I originated... how drab"

Izuku took a hike off a bit into the woods to find the stronghold from back in the Republic days, when there actually was an effort to integrate more non-spacefaring worlds into itself. If he was lucky it would be full of everything he needed from fuel to rations. "That'll handle some expenses from this... extended trip" he muttered to himself, he kept to his trek and in the next few minutes he found himself a large bunker door with a Republic Sigil on it.

Izuku slid open the hatch in the center and hopped down the hole. His beskar armor clanged as he landed, his visor letting off a hum as he switched it on and surveyed the dark room. It was everything he needed. Standard issue clone weaponry, rations that would last him alone a millennia, enough fuel to take him to the other side of the outer rim and back. He was on a gold mine.

"I may as well terminate my contract and just sell all this... I could get a lot of credits" Izuku joked to himself as he grabbed a handful of rations and stuffed them in his bag. "Now to get back... where did I park again?"


Izuku got back to his ship to a message left on his on-ship communicator. It was from DX-50, his repurposed Sepratist Battle Droid.

"Uhhh hey boss" DX spoke over the radio in the, almost nostalgic, monotone voice. "I figured you being on Earth and all I'd get you in contact with any people erm... in the know about the outside universe. I got a few, Japan's prime minister, the Principal of UA, 'Ryan Reynolds', the President of the United States, This one guy in Iceland who saw a Togruta who crash landed and then they went on a series of adventures together and they-"

Izuku stopped the message while chuckling, and he turned on his radio. "DX send me what ever info you can get on the Principal of 'UA' I saw school that when I was looking at Japanese customs and figuring out how I can get a heroes license to carry out business"

"Roger roger"

"I love you DX"

"Roger Roger~"

"Alright I'm turning in for the night DX" Izuku laughed heartily, something only a select handful could get him to do. "Buzz my radio if there's trouble"

And once he got the beep of confirmation that DX had sent the info over Izuku flopped over onto his cot and almost immediately fell asleep.

He didn't know when it started but the radio turned on and the sound of DX talking through a ton of static rang through the ship. But Izuku was preoccupied with his dream, it was a bad one.

"I##KU Y## #AVE #O #ET O#F P#ANE# NO#!" Yelled DX over the radio, but they fell upon deaf- or rather asleep- ears as the comms were completely jammed.

Izuku awoke from his cot in a cold sweat, he barely remembered whatever he had just seen in his dream but he remembered one name...

One name...

Obi Wan Kenobi



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