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1-B was in a panic, 1-A's teacher had caused a riot.

"Only half of you will be continuing at this school" he had said "the top half of you will join the top half of 1-A. The rest of you will be expelled just as it happened for 1-A. You will each be matched up in a 1v1 scenario and the winner will be allowed to continue at this college"

Though there was yelling and complaining eventually the teacher had silenced them and matched them up.

Yosetsu Awase vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Winner: Tetsutetsu

Kosei Tsuburaba vs Shihai Kuroiro
Winner: Tsuburaba

Pony Tsunotori vs Manga Fukidashi
Winner: Tsunotori

Hiryu Rin vs Setsuna Tokage
Winner: Tokage

Ibarra Shiozaki vs Nirengeki Shoda
Winner: Shiozaki

Kinoko Kimori vs Jurota Shishida
Winner: Shishida

Nieto Monoma vs Yui Kodai
Winner: Monoma

Sen Kaibara vs Itsuka Kendo
Winner: Kendo

Reiko Yanagi vs Kojiro Bondo
Winner: Yanagi

The remaining 9 students watched the field intensely as the 10th battle raged on. All of them stared as Izuku dodged and deflected the furious attacks dished out by Togaru with a Gaderffii. The two clashed and both teachers, notably 1-A's, began realizing the inept skill Izuku held in hand to hand combat.

Both teachers were aware of his marksmanship, Snipe had made sure of that by barging into the examination room during the entrance exam practicals babbling about a shooting prodigy that never missed a shot. But now they were starting to realize that his skill hadn't been limited to ranged attacking.

After a quick block Izuku ducked another swipe, quickly flipping the curved end of his Gaderffii around his wrist and catching it in his other hand before whipping it forward and pulling Togaru's feet out from under him.

Togaru Kamakiri vs Izuku
Winner: Izuku


Nezu wondered why Izuku never attempted to track down his mother. He knew her first name apparently, but Nezu guessed it was probably much more complicated not knowing his family name. Maybe he could try...


In the class sat 20 students.

Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Fumikage Tokoyami
Ibarra Shiozaki
Itsuka Kendo
Jurota Shishida
Kosei Tsuburaba
Kyoka Jirou
Mezo Shoji
Mina Ashido
Momo Yaoyorozu
Nieto Monoma
Ochaco Uraraka
Pony Tsunotori
Reiko Yanagi
Setsuna Tokage
Shoto Todoroki
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Tsuyu Asui

In front stood Shota "Eraserhead" Aizawa, the teacher that had "expelled" 20 students.
In reality it was a ploy to see who would preform the best under stress. The 20 students that lost ended up in Sekijiro "Vlad King" Kan's class, the new 1-B. And they were the new 1-A.

Izuku sat next to Setsuna once again, and listened on absentmindedly as her and 2 boys from 1-A, Kaminari and Kirishima, laughed about some loudmouthed buffoon who got overconfident and was embarrassed by that Todoroki kid with the scar.

"-hat was his name again? Katsuki?"

A spike of intense pain stabbed into Izuku's head, just like it did when the memories came around. He clutched his helmet and tensed up hard, groaning from the pain.

"Woah woah, dude you good?" Kirishima immediately on his feet and over at Izuku's desk, instinctively helping him take of his helmet. Izuku grabbed his hand tightly when he touched his helmet.

"Please..." Izuku said softly "not... not the helmet..." Kirishima moved his hand off of Izuku's helmet and Izuku's grip loosened.

"Sorry" Izuku let out weakly, "force of habit"

"It's okay man, I just need to know you're okay"

"I'm... I'm fine. Just had a really bad pain in my head for a sec. Fuck man..."

"What was that?" Kirishima looked at him like he had just said something random.


"Huh? Whaddya mean what? You just started speaking gibberish there!" Kirishima replied, Izuku's face going white upon realizing he defaulted back to Galactic Basic when he had calmed down from that burst of pain. He cursed to himself

"Sorry, I'm well... not exactly a foreigner?" Izuku started, making sure to only speak in Japanese. "I was born in Japan and when I was a little kid there was a villain attack" Izuku made sure to say this so that Setsuna would hear it and correlate it to what he had said earlier to strengthen his story in her mind a bit. "Some things happened during the incident, but afterwards I ended up leaving Japan. I travelled. Sometimes I don't speak Japanese because I'm not thinking like I'm in Japan"

A half truth. He did have some kind of accident when he was a kid that lead to him leaving Japan, not that he actually knew what it was but they didn't know that either. He did travel, a lot in fact. Just maybe not... this planet? Details. He told them the truth... just without some details... some very important details.

He felt bad about it sure, but it was much easier than the alternative of explaining it all. That would NOT go well.

But he didn't have to think about it anymore as Aizawa finally looked up from his desk and spoke to the class.

"Follow me, I'll be taking you all to the dorms"

And so they went.

      -0kHomie :3

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