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Setsuna Tokage had just gotten off the train and was enjoying her walk to school, all of her stuff had been moved to the dorms a week prior but only 2 or 3 students had moved in yet. That would change now that it was the first day of school, as after classes their teacher would be showing them to the dorms and giving each of them their room assignments if they hadn't already been living there.

Setsuna personally couldn't wait to live in the dorms and get to know all her classmates, but she elected to stay at home for the last week of break as it was quite a long train ride back from UA to get home and she wanted to spend a little more time with her parents.

She kept walking and around half an hour later she could see UA right up the large hill it stood on. She detected the gate and took off at full speed up the hill. She was finally here!

She went past the main entrance and opened the door to the main building. She walked down the halls following signs and eventually made it to class 1-B.

She slid the door open and peeked inside. Sat up front were 3 people. One teacher, one student, and one... to be determined. Setsuna stepped into the classroom, waving to the 3 individuals who were now aware of her presence.

"Hiiii I'm Setsuna Tokage, nice to meet you all!" She announced loudly, only to get a 'hey' from the teacher, he had white hair and a serious underbite going on.

"Nice to meet you Tokage. My name is Itsuka Kendo. Pleasure to be acquainted with you" the Orange haired chick said, not matching Setsuna's energy, but still matching her friendliness. 

Setsuna took the seat in the front row, plopping down in the chair between Itsuka and the last person. He had armor on, including a helmet that obscured his face. Setsuna could tell it was a boy from his broad shoulders and overall build but could identify literally nothing else about him so she just took the straightforward route.

"Nice to meet you as well, what's your name?" She asked turning and looking straight at the armor clad man next to her.

"Izuku, nice to meet you"

"No last name?"

"Not that I know of"


More and more people began to file in and eventually class began. It was pretty much the same as high school in Setsuna's eyes.
The day went by quickly, and finally they reached their last period. Hero training. THIS was what Setsuna was waiting for.

When their teacher -Kan-Chan she had already decided she'd call him- asked who wanted to collect their hero outfit first, she had put her hand up so enthusiastically that she'd accidentally detached it and slammed it into the ceiling.

"Yowch" she yelped, getting a laugh from the class, her face turned red from embarrassment.

Kan quieted the class down and tossed her a case, instructing her to head on down to the bathroom and change before going out into the training field.

She began to go downstairs to the changing rooms by the exit to the field when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around as she opened the door to the stairwell to be met face to helmet with Izuku.

"Whaddya doin here?" She asked

"Already got my suit on, I'm allowed to go straight out to the field"

Setsuna shrugged and held the door open for him, he walked past her as  she entered the stairwell after, the sound of Kan trying to shut up the students arguing over who got their suit next.

The duo walked down the stairs side by side silently, Setsuna slowly working up the courage to speak to the guy again, to ask what she wanted to ask.

"What do you want to ask"

"Huh?" Setsuna was caught off guard

"You want to ask me something, I can tell. What is it?" Izuku said matter-of-factly

"Well uh... what's the deal with the armor?" She asked, kinda just throwing it out, not knowing how to phrase her query any differently.

"Hmm?" The bluntness of the question surprised Izuku, "I don't take it off, I can't"

"Like ever?" Setsuna didn't quite understand.

"In front of people. I don't show my face to anyone" Izuku said, "it... it's because of an accident I had when I was young, I'm quite disfigured, and the armor serves to cover my face and protect me during... hero work"

"Oh geez, shit man I had no idea. Sorry for being real rude about that"

"You didn't know, all is forgiven" Izuku said, inwardly sighing with relief, he had almost fumbled his cover story twice by bringing up his code and his work. Thankfully she didn't seem to notice him stumble with his words a bit, and if she did she didn't pry.

The duo split ways once they reached the changing rooms, Setsuna giving Izuku a quick wave as she headed into the girls changing room.

Izuku walked out into the field, sitting down in the center and then stretching out and laying down.

This was long term, Nezu had been able to make sure he wouldn't have to live off rations in a cold ship in the woods. This would be his life for now, and if he was being real with himself? He liked it here, it had been a few months but he had loved every moment of it, the culture was so rich on earth. So much delicious food, great music, and with the amount of variety in the quirks of the people he'd see from day to day it felt like he was in a star port with all sorts of foreign species bustling around.

This was long term. But not permanent.

'Don't get attached' he had told himself the first night he had spent in the dorms. 'This will all go away once the job is over'

The beauty of the day seemed to lessen after he had reminded himself of that moment again. He lay there, staring at a dull sky, was it beautiful? Or did he only find it beautiful because all he had before was worse? The void at the edge of his vision began to creep in, the world around him starting to shroud in darkness.

And then like a lantern in the night, light washed over him, his world brightening up again. He sat up and turned back to the field's entrance, seeing all his classmates coming out onto the field, geared up and ready to give it their all. And ahead of them all, running towards him and waving, was Setsuna. Shining like a lighthouse in a storm.

Setsuna was just like her

ANOTHER chapter rahhhhh!!!! :3

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