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What is fear.

That creeping tingle that goes up your spine chilling you to the bone as the realization of your situation sets in.

This was what this particular vagrant was feeling as he dashed around a corner and ducked into a nearby public park. He had tried to rob the wrong person, and in the back of his mind was the repeated thought that his life was over.

He should've listened to those thoughts.

The criminal scrambled inside of a public bathroom, rushing into a stall and closing the door. It was almost pitch black in the bathroom, the only illumination coming in the form of moonlight seeping through one of the small windows near the back of the bathroom.

The criminal put his legs up and crouched on the seat of the toilet, trying to be as quiet as he could.


The bathroom door slammed open, the criminal sucking in his breath. One by one the criminal heard steps getting closer and closer along the row of stalls. The criminal put both his hands over his mouth in an effort to quiet whatever little noise his breathing might have been making.

It didn't matter.

The entire restroom seemed to glow, a bright red hue emanating from outside the stall the robber was in. He heard nothing but a hum. It was coming from directly outside the stall door. And to the absolute horror of the criminal a large red blade of light cut through the door, the door loudly banging as it hit the floor.

And it was over.


Izuku strolled past the gate of UA getting looks as he was completely kitted out in his armor, but nevertheless the alarms were down for the applicants of the entrance exam taking place on that day so nothing came of it. However Izuku had no desire to take any test, he had someone important to meet. He got called out briefly by some blue haired guy for not going with the rest of the applicants but Izuku simply acted like he didn't hear him and continued walking away from the main group.

He wandered halls aimlessly, until he stumbled upon the principal's office.

"Bingo" he said to himself, knocking on the door a few times. He heard some shuffling and some tiny footsteps and the door slid open. Izuku looked down to be met with a friendly little rodent in a suit.

"Awww" said Izuku under his mask picking up the little white critter and scratching it behind its ear, its began to snuggle into his hand almost purring before shaking its head for a moment and clearing its throat.

"My name is Nezu, I'm the principal of this school." Izuku stared at the rodent dumbfounded, quickly putting him down. Nezu brushed down his fur with his paws for a moment and then continued. "Can I ask what business a bounty hunter has here? I know the empire is much more lenient to your ilk but surely they don't want to cause riots on unintegrated planets yes?"

"I'm here for a bounty, highly confidential, issued by an associate from Mandalore. Republic supporter, friends with Jedi which is extremely uncommon amongst Mandalorians, good guy. This bounty is dangerous, now that the empire has full control over the remnants of the senate more and more with are cropping up from hiding, some thousands of years old suspending their aging and placing themselves under force sleep, awakening for the revival of their reign"

"I see... how terrifying" Nezu chuckled

"Well I'm a believer in democracy and freedom so I may not be on the best terms with the empire, but I will use their leniency toward bounty hunters so I may wipe the scum for this universe from the starmaps. Even if it means killing a Sith"

"So what you're saying is... there's a Sith Lord on earth, and you're here to kill them" Nezu summed up quickly, and Izuku nodded "So why are you here? What does that all have to do with you, being armed to the teeth, in a school, in my presence"

"I need a license"

"A what?"

"A heroes license. I said before that I used the empire's leniency to my advantage, but that doesn't mean I will disregard planetary law, especially not to the planet from which I once came" the last bit of information surprised Nezu "I may be a hired killer, but I am not a lawbreaker. I'm 18, the perfect age to enroll in your college, I have sufficient combat prowess, I excel in maths and sciences, and I am able and extremely willing for a chance to learn more about the history of my planet of origin"

Nezu nodded taking in the information
"Work with me here uh..."


"Izuku" Nezu repeated, noting the Japanese sounding name "your parents passed when you were very young during a villain attack in Kyoto, the very same attack left horribly disfigured, unable to survive without your armor" Izuku realized this was all a cover story for him and began memorizing all the information, "your quirk simply enhances your reflexes a minor amount, but you have been offered a spot at UA due to a recommendation, I'll have to figure out the finer details on that, and have been granted immediate acceptance to the hero course, while being omitted from language courses. Got all that?"

"Yes" Izuku gave a nod, before adding on "but pardon me, why no language courses?"

"We don't teach Galactic Basic" Nezu laughed, "I'll fabricate a holochip for your translation systems, your Japanese is surprisingly good though"

"I studied up on the way here" Izuku said "Do you happen to know of any lodgings nearby?"

"None that take credits" Nezu shrugged, "Our college has dorms you know"

"A dormitory? That works" Izuku said, pressing a few buttons on his wrist panel and then speaking into it "Ship, lock up and engage cloaking" he pressed one more button then gave his attention to Nezu. "What now?"

"Now we need to get you a Hero Assistance Weapons Permit so you can carry around that damn thing without setting off every alarm in the country" Nezu said, gesturing to Izuku's X-45 sniper rifle that was slung over his shoulder with a strap that was crudely attached to the weapon.

"You like it? I got these babies too" said Izuku, pulling out weapons from the two holsters on each side of his waist, in one hand lay a light and nimble DC-17, in the other a hefty and intimidating RSKF-44. "Got one from my closest friend, a republic arc troop that didn't follow 66, something about being a "faulty product" the other I got off my first target, a fellow bounty hunter. Not the scum killing kind mind you, he was more the senator killing kind" Izuku looked at the two weapons with both pride and resentment, before holstering them.

"Well if you're itching to use them you're about to" Nezu said, he walked over to his desk and pressed a button, "Snipe, please come to my office" the rodent turned back to Izuku, "you aren't the only one here who can speak into inanimate objects"


Lady Nagant. That's who this kid reminded him of.

Snipe made the connection in his head as he looked on in awe at the sharpshooter knocking out each and every target on the range with deadly precision, and what kind of guns were those! Lasers? He had to try them out at some point.

Snipe finished filling out the info Nezu had given him about Izuku into his tablet before pressing submit, a plastic card coming out of the bottom.

Snipe shut down the test program and walked over to where Izuku stood maintaining his guns. He passed Izuku the card.

"Nice shooting kid, you passed with a perfect score. Here's your permit. You can carry these weapons so long as you have this on you and you are allowed to discharge them under the supervision of any heroes you may be learning from or interning with"

"Got it" replied Izuku, slinging his rifle over his shoulder and thanking snipe for his time. After Izuku had left snipe looked back out at the range.

200 targets.

200 registered hits.

200 perfect headshots.

New chapter!!! :D


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