Chapter 067 Speaker

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After making a decision in his heart, Qian Guowei asked Zhou Botao and Li Jiang to stay on the playground. Instruct them to guard all the survivors, protect each other's safety, and avoid any more disputes like the one just now.

After the survivors rested for a while and regained a little energy, Zhou Botao led them to clear out the debris in the two-story building. There are more than a dozen rooms in the two-story building, but many of them were originally used to store debris. After cleaning, a few more rooms can be freed for rest.

Now that they have come here, they must not allow the survivors to continue to crowd together, with more than 20 people living in one room - that will not only prevent the survivors from recuperating their exhausted bodies, but will also cause many unnecessary disputes .

Zhou Botao and Li Jiang nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Qian Guowei led Yang Yiqin and others to the teaching building to inventory the materials left behind by the two Shan brothers.

Taking a bunch of keys collected from Dan Liang, everyone first came to the first floor and tried the keys to open the door from left to right.

After opening the door of the first classroom, Yang Yiqin had to smile and sigh when he saw the scene behind the door: "It's amazing, it's really leisurely."

——In the rectangular classroom, which is five meters wide and nine meters long, there are five or six sofas that look very luxurious and expensive at first glance. There are also countless other furniture such as mahogany cabinets, carved tables and chairs, jade tea sets... , stacked together is dazzling.

Feng Lin scoffed: "He doesn't have to carry it himself, of course he has time."

Qian Guowei's eyes were indifferent.

These things were used to enjoy life before the end of the world. In the eyes of Shan Liang, the "Tu Emperor", they were symbols of his status, but they were useless to them.

So a few people simply searched it and determined that there was nothing practical, so they worked together to move all the large furniture into the corridor. In this way, they can make room for people to live.

A visual inspection of the teaching building can free up many rooms.

Most of them were left for the survivors who were later rescued to live in, reducing the living density; only one room was left for Yang Yiqin and a few people to use, to meet their sleeping needs and at the same time place some important weapons that the survivors could not touch.

After making sure that there was nothing else in this room, they left and went to other large classrooms, some of which were filled with many things, and some were completely empty. The most outrageous thing is that one of the classrooms is filled with clothes, regardless of age, gender, age, summer, autumn or winter.

From this point of view, there is obviously no shortage of clothes in the gathering place.

However, among the survivors on the playground, except for a few "selected" people who needed to be cleaned, the others were not even qualified to take a shower, let alone change clothes. Their personal belongings were all brought with them when they first went to the gathering place. Come. Not only were they thin from hunger, but they were all disheveled, with dried mud on their cheeks and body skin, their clothes were ragged, and the dirt was caked together, and everyone exuded a sour smell.

Shan Liang is worthy of being a person who has done all kinds of evil. Even if he owns a whole classroom of clothes, even if he has no use for the clothes, he will never share them with other survivors if they are allowed to pile up here to get moldy.

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