Chapter 129 Collapse

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Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin didn't say a word, quietly waiting for time to pass.

The expressions of the two of them were more serious than ever before.

As night fell, the chirping of birds came from the trees on the roadside, and other than that there was only the sound of zombies struggling. Occasionally, there would be zombies that struggled to crawl out of the fields, but Feng Lin would kill them one by one with an axe, and deal with them cleanly and quietly.

About twenty minutes later, Yang Yiqin suddenly said: "He appeared."

Feng Lin immediately turned his attention to the connection between the two zombies.

I saw that a thin layer of white film had grown on each of the wounds on their hands and feet, and they were tightly intertwined. If this trend continues, the connection between their wounds will be as inseparable as the cavity.

After confirming his guess, Yang Yiqin stood up and kicked another zombie in the belly of the hollow zombie. He controlled the force and tested how much force it would take to separate the zombie's wounds.

As expected, the film is very tough and cannot be separated by just hitting it - at least the zombies cannot separate each other with their current strength. As a result, the two zombies fell countless times and remained tightly connected.

They really discovered a new way for zombies to evolve.

Seeing Yang Yiqin finish the experiment, Feng Lin raised his axe: "Is it solved?"

Yang Yiqin thought for a moment: "Kill him."

He would like to keep an experimental subject, but the current situation does not allow it. It is too late. However, in the zombies they dissected, films were basically found under the rotting flesh, so there should be no shortage of experimental subjects.

Feng Lin's movements were swift and swift, and he chopped off the heads of two zombies in the blink of an eye, and then took out paper to wipe the ax body.

Yang Yiqin looked around to make sure there were no other zombies, and then said: "It's getting late, let's go back. On the way back, I used the intercom device to contact Han Wenliang and tell him clearly what happened today."

"Okay." Feng Lin put away his axe, "I'll fly the helicopter."

"Thanks a lot."

On the way back, Yang Yiqin immediately contacted Han Wenliang and told him everything they had encountered tonight.

Han Wenliang was silent for a long time after listening.

After a long time, he finally said: "I understand. I will immediately go to Comrade Shi and tell the scientific researchers at the Beishi Base Laboratory the news."

"Well, okay." Yang Yiqin reminded, "You should also be more careful and be on guard against zombies like this."

"I understand, and so do you."

When the communication was disconnected, the helicopter was about to fly to the village.

They were delayed for a while because of the zombies, and by this time it was completely dark. Occasionally, clouds drifted by in the dark blue night, blocking the already dim moonlight, and the stars loomed under the clouds.

Looking down at the village from a high place, few households inside have lights on. Most villagers will try their best to finish all the things for the day before dark, so as to save kerosene, candles and batteries. The only light that can be seen is the flashlight in the hands of the night watchers in the village. They are often followed by one or two geese and wolves and green dogs.

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