4. Mission

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That is your battle suit ^

The Avengers were waiting for you in the living room.

"So what happened?" You asked.

"Hydra" Steve said.

"Then she's not coming" Tony protested, gesturing at you.

"We need her on this one, Tony"

"She is not coming to a fight against Hydra!"

You stepped between the ywo of them "I'll come" you said firmly.

"I'm sorry, sis, but you're not coming this time"  Tony said.

You glared at him. "Let's go"

He sighed, but followed to the quinjet.

Tony told you all the plan. Basically, you were supposed to destroy the Hydra base and capture someone.

When you landed, you all started fighting Hydra agents. They had quite interesting weapons. You made a mental note to build one of those too.

You were surrounded by 4 Hydra agents. You used your magic to get rid of them, but you one shot your leg. Amazing. You could bear the pain thanks to the years you were experimented on, but you could barely stop on it and it was bleeding like hell.

Soon enough, the fight ended. They had captured a doctor and Clint helped you walk to the quinjet.


You landed on the tower's roof. Nat was helping you walk to the medical wing when Loki spotted you. "What happened?" He demanded. "Y/n got shot" Nat said like it was obvious, which it was. Loki offered you his hand. You looked at Nat apologetically and took his hand. He teleported you two to the medical wing and sat you on the edge if the bed.

"The team will come soon" He said. He put his hand over the wound, stopping the bleeding and taking the bullet out. He bandaged it quickly yet gently. "I'll see you in the library at 4" He said. You nodded and he teleported away.

Bruce then came in. "Ah, Loki bought you here." He said. "Yes, he helped me". Bruce nodded. "You're good yo go then. Tony's worried, but if I were you, I wouldn't tell him loki was the one to bandage you". You nodded and walked out of the medical room. You could barely feel the wound anymore.

Tony hugged you. "Are you okay?" He asked frantically. "I'm fine Tony," you told him reassuringly. "I'll go to my room" you said an teleported to the library. It was 3:56.

Loki smiled as he saw you. "You OK?" He asked warmly. "Yeah. Thanks for healing me, Lokes". "No problem, Y/n".

"So, do you want to watch a movie?" You asked. "Alright". You teleported noth if you to your room. "We are watching Harry Potter " you stated.

Loki sat down on the couch and you did the same. You showed him how to put on a movie and everything he needed to know.

Halfway through the 3rd movie, you started dozing off. You soon fell asleep with your head on Loki's shoulder as he watched the movie.

You woke up when you heard a loud noise. Tony was in the room,  fully suited up. He was holding Loki up by the throat. "Whdt are you doing?!" You came over to him. "Tony, let him go!" You shouted.

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN HER ROOM?!" He shouted at Loki.

Light blue magic pulled Tony away from Loki,  forcing him to let go. You stood in front of Loki protectively as you talked. "What are you morons doing here?" You demanded. "Savong you from him!" Steve shouted, pointing at Loki. He grabbed Loki's wrist and pulled him away from you. "Enough!" You shouted. A wave of blue magic knocked over all the Avengers as you formed a shield over you and Loki.

"I called him here, Tony!" You said as he managed to get up. "We were watching a movie before you morons" you gestured to the boys "came and fucking attacked him!"

"Why were you watching a movie with him?!" Tony raised his voice.

He didn't usually raise his voice at you.

"Why should I not?" You asked. "Get out of my room so I can fix it" you told them. You dropped the shield around you and Loki, yet stopped him before he got out if your room. "They'll just attack you again if they see you" you warned him. "May I stay here for a bit then ?" "Of course" you told him with a warm smile.

"Loki?" You said as you finished. "Yeah?" "Can you help me shield the room okease?" "Of course." He came over to you and explained the spell, even helped you fo it after. "Good. Now no one can come in unless you allow them" He explained.

"Thank you" you said and hugged him.

It took him a moment before hugging back.

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