10. Kidnapped

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The next morning, you decided to go grocery shopping. The team was on a mission and you wanted to make food.

You exited the store with a full bag in each hand. The Avengers could eat a lot, and there were also two Asgardians aka bottomless pits, so you were making lots of food.

Suddenly, you felt something like a needle in your arm. Your eyes threatened to close almost instantly.

/Loki!/ you managed to send that message before everything went black.


You woke up in a cage. Amazing, you thought. Then you recognized the place. Your wrists were chained to the wall. You could only sit there or stand up, as the chains weren't long. You tried your best to break the chains using both force and magic, but nothing worked.

Then you saw a figure walking towards the cage.

"Zemo" you growl.

He was the one that experimented on you for 5 years at Hydra.

He smiled. "We meet again, A-13."

"I have a name, Zemo" you said. "Let me go! The Avengers will come for me and this time you'll be killed!" You threatened him.

He chuckled. "Don't worry, they won't come. And if they do, they will be the ones to die. And you, A-13, will stand there, watching"

He was truly heartless.

You noticed a collar around your neck.

"Ah, I see you observed my new invention" He said. "That little collar will shock you if I press this little button, but it won't be enough to kill you, don't worry"

He pressed it to make a demonstration.

You felt the electricity shock your body, the pain almost unbearable. You didn't cry nor move, only standing there in pain.

"Now, if you are not obedient, this is what will happen, so I suggest you behave, A-13"


You sat there for what seemed like a day before he returned. He entered the cage and injected something into your arm. You bit back a scream. It was as bad as what he injected you with on your last day here.

You started shaking as the pain got worse, to the point you almost passed out. But you didn't. He made sure you would be awake enough to suffer trough all of it.

*3rd person POV*

Loki has already called the team to look for Y/n. She was missing. Tony and Bruce were in the security room, looking trough the cameras and hoping they would find something. Loki was using Y/n's things for tracking spells in her room as the redt of the Avengers were out looking for her. She went missing a day ago, and all they found was two grocery bags.

*Normal POV*

You tried thinking about nice things. About Loki. Yes, Loki will come for you. Right?

Zemo was testing your powers and starving  you to see if that affected them. Well, it kind of did. As you got weaker, your powers did too.

You were injected with something at least once a day. Zemo, another scientist and 3 Hydra agents would watch every time. 2 of the agents stayed when the others left. You were always guarded.

You weren't one to give up easily. You didn't. But after a week, Zemo started properly torturing you. After the pain from whatever he injected you with started going away, he would put some metal things around each arm and around your ankles. If you disobeyed him, he would simply press a button that made the sharp needles on those metal 'bracelets' go deeper in your arms and ankles.


It's been a month. You gave up on escaping weeks ago. You obeyed them. You had absolutely no choice. Zemo would even use sound to torture you. It was worse than before.

"Hello, A-13" He said. Your body tensed. You expected pain. He injected you with something. You didn't need to try not to scream. Sure, you felt the unbearable pain as an awful and Loud sound played from the speakers, but it was almost normal by now. You got used to this routine.

As the pain started gone away, Zemo entered your cage. You looked down.

"Look at me, A-13" He growled.

You looked up at him.

"Good girl." He said. "You won't get food for now" He added as he left.

You ate once a week. He didn't want your powers to be strong enough for you to escape.

*Loki's POV*

We've been looking for her for a month now. I tried all the tracking spells I knew to find her. None worked. I failed her.

"I need Reindeer Games in the security room" I heard Stark's voice trough the speakers.

I teleprted next to him. "What is it?" I growled.

"I think we found her" Stark told me.

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