7. Fight

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You woke up to screaming. It was the second time ever since Loki moved in. You rushed to the living room to see Thor shouting at Loki while holding him up by the neck.


"Thor! What the fuck are you doing?!" You shouted back. "Let him down!"

Thor looked puzzled. Loki was running out of air as Thor unconsciously held him tighter. "Lady Y/n, Loki wasn't in the tower last night!" He protested. Loki was slightly weaker.

"Thor, let him down" you said. "Now"

Thor let Loki down after a few seconds, glaring at him. You went over to Loki, seeing Thor didn't leave any marks. Good. Loki was breathing normally after a few moments.

Just then, the whole team came in, fully-suited. Tony ran over to Loki, carefully pushing you out of the way. He pointed his blasters at him.

"Where were you, Reindeer Games?" He asked sarcastically. "I'm surprised you managed to leave with Jarvis and the security systems being here"

"Tony!" You protested. "It's the second fucking time this happens! Can't you get a break?"

You pushed him away and turned to stand next to Loki, who now extended his magical shield around you too. His magic felt so familiar and safe.

"Loki didn't leave the tower!" You said loud enough for all of them to hear you.

"Then whre was he?" Tony asked annoyed.

"In fact he was guarding me all night as you asked him to." You replied.

"You mean he was with you?" Tony asked.

"Of course I do moron"

Tony pointed the blasters at Loki "you dared stay in her room the whole night?" He asked.

"I swear Tony" You sighed as you stepped în front of Loki.

"I AM GOOD AND ALIVE, UNHARMED AND DEFINETLY NOT UNDER A SPELL" you yelled loud enough for the whole team to hear you. "Happy?"

Tony and Steve glared at Loki. You could tell he was barely managing not to laugh out loud.

/Oh shut it/ you told him telepathically.

/Come on Darling, it is funny/ he responded.

You barely managed a smile.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to read something without being bothered by any of you" you said firmly. Natasha gave you a knowing look. She and Wanda could bother you without dying if something happened.

You teleported Loki and yourself to the library. "I'm sorry for that Lokes" you told him as you looked at him apologetically. "I- I shouldn't have asked you to stay with me last night. I was just feeling unsafe and-"

You were cut off by cold arms wrapping around you in a gentle and caring hug. "It's alright darling. I'm happy you chose me to stay with you"

You smiled. "Thanks Lokes"

"Let's get to reading, shall we?"

In less than a minute, you were both reading on the couch, sitting next to each other.

"Y/n?" Loki Said hesitantly. "Yeah?" "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked. You could see the scared look on his face. He was scared of rejection. Good thing you were planningto accept then. "Yes, of course!" You said excitedly. You cuddled closer to him as you continued reading.

You felt happiness running trough his veins.

Maybe it was time to be honest with yourself.

Maybe you slightly liked Loki.

Maybe a litle bit more.

Maybe you loved him.

No. You couldn't love him. Right?

You barely knew how love even feels like.

You haven't felt it for a long time. Sure, you loved Tony, but you loved him long before Hydra took you. He was your brother. It was that that made you love him. But Loki.. he earned your trust and love. Love?

You felt so confused. Your feeling were clearly yet nuclear.

But when you looked in his eyes, you smiled and put your head on his chest, falling asleep to the peaceful sound of Loki's heartbeat.

Word count: 666

|~Learn To Love~| (LokixFem!Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now