12. Explaining

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You woke up in your own bed. You turned to the left, noticing Loki wasn't there.

You got up and exited your room, going to the living room. You didn't see Loki there, but all the Avengers were. You gulped.

"Did- did any of you see Loki?" You asked shyly.

They all turned to look at you. Wanda and Nat ran over to you. As they got to a distance of around a meter and continued running, you flinched instinctively. You loved them and knew they wouldn't hurt you, but you just couldn't help it. You cursed yourself for being scared of them.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm- I'm fine" you said.

You heard Loki's footsteps behind you and smiled as he got next to you. He didn't teleport, knowing he'd probably scare you.

"How come he can get near you without making you flinch or get scared and I can't?" Tony asked.

"There is this thing called being gentle," Loki told him.

"But I'm her brother!" Tony pouted then looked at you with puppy eyes.

"Come here you big baby" you told him with a chuckle.

As he came over quickly, your body slightly stiffened, but thankfully, no one noticed. Except Loki, of course, who would probably kill everyone in the room if you were too uncomfortable.

Tony hugged you and you hugged back.

"I missed you, Lil sister" He said softly.

"Missed you too, Tin can" you smiled.

He pulled away and looked at you, looking like a mom scolding her children.

"Now, care to explain the whole 'I love you' thing you told Loki?" He asked.

"Well...," you told him that you went on a few dates and started dating.

"Hurt her and I'll kill you" Tony threatened.

You chuckled.


About two hours of talking later, you went to Loki's room.

Thor finally came back from Asgard just a few minutes ago. Yet you were still cuddling Loki on his bed as he read to you.

Then the door flied open with a loud 'BANG' sound. You flinched and almost jumped.

You and Loki both got up to welcome him. "Hello brother!" Thor said.

Loki rolled his eyes.

"HI Thor" you said with a soft smile.

"Lady Y/n!" He came to you and hugged you tightly. You hugged him back, although your instincts told you otherwise.

"So what have you been up to?" He asked.

You told him that you were now dating and that the team will tell him the rest.

You walked with Thor to the livingroom and stood close to your couch. The team told him that you were kidnapped and tortured by Hydra and basically everything they knew about it.

"THEY DID WHAT?!" Thor shouted as Tony told him about the torturing.

You flinched and looked down, mostly out of instinct. Loki seemed to notice and squeezed your hand slightly in reassurance. Yet you kept looking at the ground and slightly flinched when Thor shouted again.


Then Thor came over to you. "Lady Y/n, IA that true?" He said rather loudly.

You silently cleared your throat. "Yes" you Said, looking down.

/Love, are you okay?/ Loki asked you.

/I don't know, Lokes. I don't want to be afraid of him but../

/It's alright love, it'll take time to heal.and you know that/

/He.. Zemo is in a cell here, isn't he?/

/Yes, he is in the most secure cell/

The team left, leaving you and Loki alone in the living room. He summoned a book and sat down on the couch. You sat next to him, summoning your own book.

You had to admit it was nice reading with Loki. You felt so safe around him.


You teleported to Tony as Jarvis told you he needed you. With Loki on your right, you looked at Tony.

"We need you to go in there and talk to him," he told you. "He refuses to talk otherwise."

Loki was about to protest, but you interrupted him. "But Loki is coming with me."

"So are Wanda and Nat " Tony told you.

The four of you entered. Nat and Wanda stood in the corners, behind you and Loki was next to you.

"Ah, I see you got my message, A-13." He grinned.

Your body stiffened.

"What do you want, Zemo?" You growled.

"It depends. First would be getting you back."

It took all your self-control to remind yourself you're not in Hydra anymore and to not look down.

"Why did you kidnap Y/n?" Loki asked.

"Y/n? What a weird name. Isn't that right, A-13?"

"You're avoiding the subject" Loki pointed out.

"I am not stupid enough to tell you, asgardian" Zemo growled.

/Love, can I teleport him somewhere to.. interrogate him properly?/ Loki asked you.

/Go ahead/

In a shimmer of green magic, Loki and Zemo disappeared.

"Where did they go?" Nat asked.

"Just wait a bit" you told them casually.

A few minutes later, Loki reappeared, and do did Zemo. But now he didn't have his left arm and leg.

"He is psychotic!" Zemo shouted.

"Answer the question" Loki growled.

"Alright! We were making the next Winter Soldier and wanted to see if she's good enough for it" Zemo said.

"Go on" Loki told him.

"Well, it turned out A-13 is stronger than the Winter Soldier, so we are some tests and kept her for experiments" Zemo answered,  seeming terrified.

"Great." Loki then looked at the camera. "Stark, you have your answers. Do you need him alive?"

"No, not really" Tony's voice echoed trough the room.

"Good" Loki Said. He teleported himself and Zemo somewhere else. He was probably going to torture then kill him.

The three of you exited the cell. Steve was looking concerned. "A-13?" He asked. Your body stiffened and you looked down. "That's what they called you?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yes"

Nat and Wanda noticed your strange behavior. They stood next to you, both on your left side. Clint also seemed to notice, looking cautious.

"Why A-13?" Tony asked.

"I was the 13th experiment they had. 'A' just means I'm one of the strongest ones" you answered.

You hoped Loki would be back soon.

"So, what did your boyfriend do to Zemo?" Tony asked.

You saw a shimmer of green magic in the corner of your eye. "Cut off his limbs, used a spell to skin him, put alcohol all over him then burned him alive."

You smiled. "And the limbs?"

"Put them on fire" He said proudly.

"Good. Let's go to bed, I'm tired " you said.

You spent the whole day there.

You and Loki cuddled together and you fell asleep quickly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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