Chapter 1

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It was a stormy night in the Le Domas mansion, three children, Daniel, Alex, and Y/N were running as Daniel carries a lantern.

Daniel: Alex, Y/N, this way! Come on!

A man, Charles goes towards them limping.

Daniel: Hurry.

Daniel leads them into a room and opens a closet.

Daniel: Get in and don't come out.

Y/N: Are you sure?

Daniel: I'm sure.

Alex: Daniel, I'm scared.

Alex and Y/N enter as Daniel gives Y/N the lantern and closes the closet. Charles then comes over, grabbing him as he has an arrow in his stomach.

Charles: Shh. Daniel, please. They're trying to kill me. Please help me. Daniel, please.

Daniel: He's in here.

Charles: No, no, no! God, no!

Multiple people in mask arrive from every entrance as Charles wife, Helene who is still in her wedding dress comes running in but is held back.

Helene: No, Charles! Stop!

Charles: Helene!

Helene: No, please, stop it! No! Charles!

Charles was shot with a crossbow in the chest and fell to the ground.

Helene: No. No. Charles. No, please. Please, stop. Please. No. You don't have to do this.

Daniel's mother, Becky, raises her mask and looks at him.

Becky: Daniel, I'm so proud of you.

Charles: Please, listen to... You don't have to do this. Nothing's gonna happen.

The family begins to drag him away as Daniel watches.

Charles: Helene! Helene, please just talk to them. Helene!

Helene watches on in tears and soon after follows.

Charles: Please, no! No! No, please! No!

The mother closes the doors as Daniel is left in the room with Alex and Y/N.


Thirty years later, and Grace who was a foster kid, and never knew her family is getting married to Alex.

Grace: To have and to hold. From this day forward. For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness, and in health. Till death do us part. And even though your family is richer than God, intimidates the hell out of me, your dad definitely hates me, and your alcoholic brother keeps hitting on me...

Grace brings out a cigarette and smokes it.

Grace: I honestly can't wait to be a part of your moderately fucked-up family.

Alex is by the door.

Alex: "Moderately"? That's pretty generous.

Grace: Hi.

Alex: Hey. Holy shit! You look perfect.

Grace: What're you doing? You smoking? In my old room? Give me that.

Alex takes it and smokes it as well as they look out the window and see their friends and family.

Alex: We should get down there.

Grace: Your dad looks like he's at a funeral. He hates me.

Alex: No. He doesn't hate you, Grace.

Grace: He thinks I'm after your money.

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