Chapter 2

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Grace walks down a spiral staircase as Tony finds Y/N and Alex staring at Mr. Le Bail seat.

Tony: I thought I might find you here. I'm sure Mr. Le Bail is with us today. So, how much have you told her?

Alex: Nothing. And I never will. Tomorrow we're gone.

Y/N: Don't blame you.

Tony: If she pulls that card, are you prepared to do what's necessary?

Tony and Alex stare at each other until they walk away. Y/N looks at the chair one last time as he also leaves as his father follows. The butler continues to play the piano as Becky is on the phone.

Becky: Excuse me, whatever you wanna say, get on with it please. You better hurry your ass up and get here before midnight. Call me when you get this message.

She hangs up as Grace enters the room.

Charity: Dora, two more, please.

Becky: Grace, darling.

Becky: Hi.

Charity: Your vows were beautiful.

Grace: Oh. Thank you.

Becky: Alex didn't tell us you were brought up in foster homes. Not that he tells us anything these days. Champagne?

Grace: Oh. Thank you. Thanks.

Daniel was drinking the champagne and looked at his watch.

Grace: My foster parents were great people. And, you know, they did what they could. But it was always temporary. I always sort of dreamed of having a... a family. I mean, I'm sure Alex would've loved living in sin forever.

Becky: I don't doubt it.

Grace: But he, um, he really understood how important it was for me to... finally have a real, permanent family. And I just don't wanna let you down.

Becky: Grace. When I first saw you, I said to Tony: "Finally. One of our children has brought home a good one." And you don't know how grateful we are that you brought Alex back to us. But please... try to bring him back into the fold. We're his family.

Grace: I promise.

Tony, Alex and Y/N enter the room.

Becky: Oh, sweetheart. I knew you would.

They hug as Alex approaches.

Alex: Hey.

Grace: Hi!

Alex: Mom, I'm just gonna steal her away. Okay?

Grace: Hi.

Alex: Hi. What'd she say to you?

Grace: Oh, she's so sweet.

Alex: Did she say anything?

Alex: No. No. All right.

Grace: Are you okay? Did something happen?

Alex: Yeah, no. I just, I don't feel very well.

Grace: Well, if you wanna lie down, can't we just play the game tomorrow?

Alex: No, no, it has to be tonight.

The two young boys, Gabe and Georgie come running in.

Georgie: Hands up! Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

Georgie chases Gabe with a mask.

Gabe: No! No!

Y/N: Hey!

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