Chapter 4

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Y/N was holding Grace's hand as they were running as they entered the Game Room and Grace saw a shotgun with shotgun shells. Y/N pulls out a drawer and sees a pistol, he grabs it with the ammo as Grace puts the shotgun shell holders around her body as the two exit and stares in the mirror.

Grace: Jesus.

Meanwhile, Alex enters the Security Room and locks the door and tries to find a way to turn on the monitors.

Alex: Fucking shit. Fuck.

Grace and Y/N entered the kitchen aiming their guns around the room as they tried the door but was locked.

Grace: Come on, Alex.

Grace aims the shotgun at the doorknob and pulls the trigger, but nothing happens.

Y/N: Stand back.

Grace takes a step back and before Y/N could shoot they hear Steven whistling. The two hides as Alex finds the switches.

Alex: Monitors. Monitors.

Steven enters the kitchen as Y/N and Grace continues to hide behind the counter. Steven walks over to the stove as Grace and Y/N sneak to the side of the counter to avoid being seen. Meanwhile, Alex turns on the cameras.

Alex: Okay.

Alex sees Grace and Y/N hiding from Steven on the cameras.

Alex: Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit.

Meanwhile, Tony and Daniel were walking together.

Tony: Your aunt always gets lost in the details. Who gives a shit how we find her?

Daniel: Oh. I agree completely.

Tony: Yeah.

Daniel: Looks like we're not the only ones.

Tony: What?

They see the cameras on.

Daniel: Someone turned on the cameras.

Tony: Alex.

Alex was trying every button and lever to open the doors.

Alex: Open doors. Open fucking doors.

Grace and Y/N both look at the shotgun and nod as Grace pulls the barrel to reload the gun and the sound is heard by Steven. He begins to look to where Grace and Y/N were hiding but they were gone as Grace and Y/N hide on the other side of the counter as Steven continues to work while whistling. Grace takes out a shotgun shell and quietly puts it in the shotgun as Steven puts the kettle on and sings as Grace loads the shotgun making a sound Steven hears it and continues to sing as he pours the water into a teapot. Alex finds a sticky note and uses it to unlock the doors and windows. Steven sees the doors unlock and goes over to it as Alex sees Grace and Y/N with guns.

Alex: Oh, fuck.

Grace and Y/N get out of cover and Grace aims the shotgun at Steven.

Grace: Move.

Steven turns and sees them.

Steven: I'm afraid I can't do that.

Grace continues to aim at him as Steven remains unfazed as Grace pulls the trigger, but nothing happens.

Steven: The ammunition is display only.

Steven takes the shotgun.

Steven: Now, did you really think I would be stupid enough to...

Y/N pulls out his pistol and pistol-whips him with it as Grace grabs the teapot and smashes his head.

Alex: Fuck yeah!

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